Chapter 14 ☼ Castle

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Now my neck is open wide
Begging for a fist around it
Already choking on my pride
So there's no use crying about it
-Halsey / Castle

Hong Fa ached everywhere. Being yanked around had sent blinding pain through him, and all he could remember before arriving at a rundown warehouse at the edge of a river was seeing He Tian pinned to the ground by the men in the car with him, and being stuffed into a car.

A deep worry for the dark haired boy churned in his gut as the car slid to a silent stop. Terror had him frozen in place, daring not to look at the faces near him. The man to his left grabbed his casted arm's bicep.

"Red here is conscious."

And to his right, Jiefeng was leaning into his line of vision, "You passed out without us even knocking you in the head. Impressive."

Hong Fa remained silent. He'd fucking passed out because the bastards had knocked him in the ribs so hard he saw stars. His breathing wasn't any more troubled than before, however, so he figured they hadn't been fully broken. Jiefeng grabbed his hair suddenly, dragging Hong Fa's face close to his own. Hong Fa so badly wanted to spit on him.

"We can go inside whenever," a man in the front seat, one of the fuckers that had held He Tian down, informed.

"Hmm..." Jiefeng murmured, and Hong Fa could feel his warm breath. He smelled of smoke, but it wasn't at all like He Tian. It was sour, and it had Hong Fa jerking away. "What does my brother see in you? What has him guarding you so heavily?"

Hong Fa only scowled. However, he was quickly being dragged from the car. Walking had been something he'd forced He Tian into letting him do within the past few days, but as he was yanked towards the warehouse he'd have given anything to be back in the wheelchair with He Tian behind him and tipping him onto two wheels, leaning over him and nipping his nose, kissing his lips despite him practically being upside down.

The inside was not at all what Hong Fa expected. Despite the ragged look of the outside, the inside of the warehouse was beautiful. It was adorned with artwork, large statues and busts lined the walls following a long hallway with black and white tile. A massive wooden door was at the end, and Hong Fa was all but shoved inside of it.

Again, it wasn't what Hong Fa expected. Lush carpet was under his feet, chandeliers hung above, and it all made sense as to why He Tian had the money he had. Men lined the back wall, the windows above them were perhaps the most unorganized part of the room, as boards covered them. Some of the boards had been made into shelves that plants rested upon.

But also along the far wall, there was a fireplace, although Hong Fa couldn't remember smoke escaping out of the top of the warehouse. Elegant furniture was spread near the fire, and sitting upon a leather black sofa was a man that had Hong Fa stumbling.

The man had nearly a spitting image of He Tian. Or rather, He Tian was the spitting image of the man on the sofa. Dark and sharp. Sharp jaw, sharp nose, sharp silver eyes. The eyes that seemed to pierce into Hong Fa's very being. And yet the gaze from the man wasn't  warm like He Tian's at all, but rather had Hong Fa shaking where he stood.

"Father," Jiefeng stated as he dragged Hong Fa towards the man. Hong Fa averted his gaze as he was shoved to his knees directly in front of who was undoubtedly He Tian's father. "We got him."

The man leaned to the side, his arm on the couch's arm rest and his head resting in his hand, "Was your brother left alive?"

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