Too young

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"Rebecca, Rebecca sweetie, wake up please, i brought you some food." Dianna sounded so worried and scared. Her voice was very faint and I could barely hear her. Was she whispering? My vision was very cloudy and my eye lids felt heavy and too tired to open, once again I found myself in another dream.

I was five when i found out what had happened to my parents. I was living in a foster care home and I had no information about my parents and i never really wanted to but that was until the new girl came. 

She was called Ruby and she was the same age as me. The day she arrived was my birthday and coincidentally it was her birthday as well. Just as all the other kids were wishing me happy birthday, this beautiful girl with long brown curly hair walked in, she was wearing the same birthday badge as me but strangely enough it looked better on her than it did on me. All the kids ran to her leaving me on my own. I felt absolutely jealous but that wasn't until she came over to me.

In the course of time we became best friend but i also found out that Ruby was very curious and always asked about my parents, and every time i had been able to dodge the question that was until she came into my room with the forbidden papers.

"Look at this" Ruby said waving the paper in my face. I gasped, they were the papers that held everyone's history but what was more shocking was that ruby had gotten them.

"How did you get them?" i asked curiously, but as usual Ruby had an answer for everything.

"Oh this, well this is your history, you've always wanted to find out about your parents. Haven't you?" I was shocked. My whole life, written in the red papers in ruby's hands. 

" i think you need to put them back, we could get into a lot of trouble Ruby." 

"But you want to know your past don't you. I could always return them and you might never find out who your parents were." Ruby had a way with words, she was questioning my curiosity and she was making a good job of it.

" Fine. okay, open it then" i finally gave up and there was my history in black and white. My mother had died at my birth and my father had been a druggy drinker so he had cleared himself away from my life. I took the paper went outside and set fire to them and locked myself in my room as the tears poured out of my eyes. After that day i never spoke to Ruby even when i had been fostered by Dianna and Mike. They was the first parents i ever had and they loved just as if i was their own, I still remember the first time she had spoken to me." Hello Rebecca, we want to foster you." with a bright smile and after that day i never thought about my parents again, they my past and Dianna and Mike were my future.


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