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i feel like I'm floating. Dancing on the clouds. But then i feel like I'm drowning, being dragged back to the world. My eyes can barely open they flutter and i can hardly see where i am. I know I'm in a white room but i cannot recognize anything else. There's some one at my bedside. They are whispering to me but i can barely hear, she keep repeating a name but  i cannot hear. I don't understand why she is here by me. 

I'm lying flat on my back. Nothing is painful anymore, i don't feel any pressure. I don't know what is happening to me. My life feels like a dream but every time i want to wake up i simply cannot. Is this a dream or is this reality. Am i dying??

My alarm shook me awake, the horrible ringing sound filling my ears. I groan not wanting to leave my bed. But i wake up and go and take  shower, when i get back i quickly get dressed and leave the house. My mum had left for a work trip and was not coming home until 2 weeks. Everyone at school was suggesting i have a party but i didn't want the house to be trashed by a couple of reckless teenagers but yet i still found myself agreeing. I was meeting Josh today and i was very excited even after two years of going out i was still in love with him. 

I sat on the bench wrapping my scarf around around me, it was very chilly and Josh was late. he was never late to our meeting and i was getting worried. After leaving him 3 calls, all of which he never picked up i began to leave when i finally saw him running towards me.

" Hey beautiful" He says kissing my cheeks making me tremble.

"I'm not talking to you." I say turning around to walk away but I'm caught in Josh's arms.

"I'm sorry I'm late, i can explain" he says looking into my eyes.

"Really, go on then, why where you late?" I say in a playful way not really expecting him to explain.

" i can't actually. I'm sorry." He says looking down. I'm confused for all of the time i dated Josh i never doubted his actions but now i was curious. " You can't explain to your girlfriend why you were late?" i say making sure i outline the word Girlfriend.

"I'm sorry okay. Really i am. Can you not just drop it?" His reply shook me. He has such a serious tone that i decide to leave it but my curiosity gets the better of me. "No Josh i can't just leave it. My boyfriend is 20 minutes late and he can't come up with a good reason?" I say shivering as the cold hits me. but instead of answering me Josh hands me his jacket. As soon as he takes it off i notice the marks across his arms, they look bright red and fresh. I gasp looking at Josh's face " Oh my god. What happened? Did you get into a fight?"

" Calm down." He says as he puts on his jacket and turns his back to me and starts to walk away. I'm so confused i don't understand, first Josh turns up 20 minutes late then when i question him he seems very angry and when he handed me his jacket he has marks across his arms. My brain is coming up with many possible ideas to why Josh is acting like this but nothing seems to match up.

when i look again at Josh he is heading towards the beach and i decide to follow him to get the Truth i deserve, after all i am his girlfriend. Right?

"Josh, what's wrong. your acting strange please Josh tell me whats going on ."  I say even though he has his back towards me i know he heard me. 

"There's nothing going on." He says but i know hes lying his shoulders are huddled up and i hear a quiet sound that sounds like Josh is crying, But he couldn't be crying could he?

"Josh, i know something is going on and your not telling me." 

"there's nothing to tell Rebecca." He says almost pleading in his reply.

"Okay, but you know where to find me if you want." I say leaving him on his own. I start to walk away when i feel a hand pull me to the ground. 

"I'm sorry, you're my girlfriend and you deserve to know."

"So there is something going on?"


"Okay tell then."

"its not that easy." For a split second i see pain in his eyes but that is quickly gone as quick as it came.

"You know you trust me"

"I know but this is different, its not easy."

"Okay take your time."

"Okay i was late today because i was talking to my dad about going to the army and well, he disapproves and does not want me to go. Well we got into an argument and i slammed the door and left but my dd cam for me and well he took me inside and well he, he hit me and when i tried to fight back he.....he pinned me down and he beat me and there was nothing i could do." When he had finished Josh had tears running down his cheeks and i wiped them away kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. I didn't say anything, i didn't know what to say, his father had abused him and i had forced him to tell me, but i wasn't expecting this. I took his hand, and we walked back to my house and Josh spent the night crying in my arms.

****Hey guys sorry for not updating. Not a good week but hopefully you enjoy this and this was a shocker right?? thank you guys. By the way can someone message me. I really wanna know what people think of my book. Not many reads though.PLZ comment, vote for the boook and don't forget to SHARE. Thank you guys babez xxx

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