The Teen Years

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My whole body feels so calm and relaxed and i don't know why. Usually i am in constant pain but i feel so peaceful. I really don't understand what is happening to my body but also my mind. I keep slipping in and out of strange dreams. i don't know if they are dreams. I don't know how long i have the dreams but somehow it feels good. 

There's a woman by my bedside. I can barely hear her but she keeps repeating my name. Shes holding my hand so tight but yet it doesn't feel uncomfortable. It feels good but how can a stranger at my bedside make me feel good. Is she a stranger? Before my mind can go exploring the possibilities i slip into yet another dream but this time i look older.

"Rebecca come downstairs dads on the phone." I could hear my mum shouting and by the tone of her voice she seemed excited, but she would wouldn't she. My dad's name was Mike, was in the army and left two years ago. I miss my father but i know that he is fighting for our country but it doesn't stop me from thinking about all the types of things that can go wrong, what if he can't come home for Christmas or what if he died saving someone else. my mum also gets worried but she is always wearing a brave mask, but every now and then the mask slipped like today. It was a Monday morning and my body did not want to leave the warm bed. I could always phone my dad later when i got home from school. "I will talk to him later mum" I shouted back heading into the shower, the door draining my mothers voice. 

15 minutes later i was out of the shower and getting dressed in my black skinny jeans and a white crop top with a black leather jacket. I always tried my best for school especially after i had been getting notes from the school's bad boy Josh.

Heading down the stairs i could hear my mum chatting away to my father, she adored him.  Grabbing the toast from the kitchen i left the house leaving my mum to talk to my dad. I will call him later and tell him about my day. But if i knew what was going to happen i would have thought better of my actions.

I got to school and headed to my locker and yet again there was a note taped to my locker. I didn't need to look at the name to know who it from. Josh. I had been getting his letters for about a month now, he had been asking me out and i was getting tired of his letters and i was about to give in until i saw this letter that struck me completely.

Dear R.

I know that you don't like me in that way because you have not replied to any of my messages but i won't stop loving you. Every time i see you in school and out of school my heart warms but i can't keep sending you messages because i know that you do not like me so because i love you i will set you free. We can e friends if you would like that but i know you probably don't want to. I'm leaving at the end of the year because i am leaving to join the army. I have no purpose in high school so i would rather do something i enjoy. Please don't throw this letter away like any of my other letters because i would at least like to know you care.

Love J x

Tears poured out of my eyes when i had finished reading his letter. He was wrong when he said that i didn't like him. In fact i loved Josh but the only problem was that he was one of the popular boys and he didn't talk to me when he saw me except for making eye contact. I couldn't believe that he was going to the army. My father was in the army and i missed him, why did everyone i love leave? I tucked the letter into my breast pocket, wiped my tears and walked to my first lesson but when i got there i saw that Josh wasn't in his normal seat.

The rest of the day went very slow and i couldn't concentrate. When i got home i saw that my mums car was in the driveway but next to my mums car was a police van. What had happened.  I grabbed my keys and burst into the house. 

"Mum" No reply. I dropped my bag and walked into the living room and saw my mum crying with the police sitting across from her. Something bad was going on.

"Hello Miss Hernandez, we have some news about your father." The red letter said it all but i still could not believe it. I grabbed the letter and i started reading.

Hello Baby.

From that first day that i laid my eyes on you, i knew you were the one child that we had to adopt. You were perfect, Blue eyes, brown hair. You were angelic. your mother and i loved you and we still do. I haven't talked to you for a long time but that doesn't mean that i have forgotten you. You are my life, i think of you and my heart warms up. you light up my world, mine and your mothers. Please take care of your mother, i am going to Afghanistan on Monday 19th of December (Today) i don't think i will make it but please make sure you and your mother are alright. I hope i can make it until Christmas to see your beautiful face. I've left you all my money because you are now a teenager and you need it more than i do. Spend it on whatever you want. All i want to tell you to live your life and go for everything. You only get one shot. If you love someone go for them, don't give them up. Look after your mother and yourself but as always i love you.

Love Daddy.

 My legs felt weak but there was more, a letter was attached to my fathers one, this one was a bright red letter. It looked very serious. I read over the letter  and i saw that it was explaining about how my father was killed in the war at 10 am. That was just two hours after i had rejected his call and refused to talk to him. Reality sank in and i had just realized that i had lost my father. the man who had brought me up. The man that had carried me on his shoulder when i was 7 years old. The man who took me ice skating for the first time. the man who taught me how boys should treat a girl. The man who had helped me decorate my bedroom just 5 weeks earlier. He was now gone and i had refused to talk to him when i had the chance and now he was gone. My legs gave way and i felt my mind go cloudy.

****Hey thank you all for sticking with me this far. If you like the book just comment. Sorry i didn't upload this weekend was in London and i was very busy. Thank you all for reading i REALLY appreciate it. Love you all. N x****

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