Cute Scar

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"So you're a vampire?" She asked curiously.

"Yes," After what seemed like an eternity the man already lost his patience and was finally forced to admit what he is to the girl. He didn't like it one bit but he had no choice in the matter, it's either he confesses what he is or listens to another stupid thing that she will say to him.

Her reaction to him to his confession, however, was something he would never forget. He almost laughed out loud but managed to maintain his cool. He remembered that moment as clear as day and he will never forget that reaction because somehow it brought joy to his anger.

Flashback 20 minutes ago:

"OMG! OMG!OMG!" She started yelling suddenly.

"Oh for crying out loud! What is it now!" He exclaimed in frustration. He was still as bored as earlier when they started.

"I'm freaking staying with a vampire!"

"You're a vampire! You're a killer!" Thalia continued to blabber.

He grinned mischievously and thought out a plan to scare her.

'Now that realization finally sunk in that thick skull of hers, I might have fun scaring her so she can shut that hole of hers that she calls her mouth.' He thought inwardly.

"That's right. I am a killer and do you know what vampires like me do to people like you?" Thalia shook her head furiously. He saw the fear in her eyes as she watches him get near her slowly. Thalia can't do anything but squirm in the bed, her hands and feet were still tied tightly together. Fear was crawling up her spine as he gets nearer, the moonlight that once made him look like an angel is now making his face more sinister along with the shadows of the darkness.

Thalia gulped and managed to choke out one word, "W-what?"

He stopped moving at the edge of the bed and he leaned down until his face was directly on hers, Thalia could feel his cold breath on her face. Surprisingly it isn't as bad as she thought but it smelled strongly of alcohol.

"I bite..." He whispered tauntingly in her ear. His voice sent shivers to her already quivering body, she felt her heart drum inside her chest. Thalia blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to adjust to the intense stare that she was currently receiving from him. She didn't know if it was a good feeling inside her or a bad one but she hoped that it was not a good one.

"Okay?" Thalia responded in puzzlement, she didn't know what to respond so her mouth decided that it was the one to take charge instead. The man just lifted a bushy brow and smirked, his dimples showed. This caught Thalia's attention for a moment as she stares and observes it. From afar, it looks like a normal dimple but up close she could see that it was actually a scar.

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