Never Underestimate a Girl

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Appropriate song. ;)

Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting

Adriano ^ ^


Before Mariano could speak, the door bursts open. They snapped their heads to the door to see Sylvester and some of his friends standing there with mischievous smiles on their handsome faces.

"Daddy's home!" Sylvester's voice boomed in the tiny room.

Mariano quickly stood in front of Thalia to hide her but it was too late, his friend had already seen her. He glanced behind his back and saw her gaping at men in the front of the door, he saw how she was practically drooling from seeing his friends, he gave her a scowl and turn to look at his friends who invited their selves in and scattered around the room.

"Well...well...Who is this mademoiselle?" A guy with green eyes and blonde hair greeted Thalia. He sat next to her on the bed and gently asked for her hand - Thalia being dazed from the handsome men in her room, absent-mindedly obliged his request and laid out her hand, he kissed it and held it in his.

Thalia was gaping and blushing from the roots of her hair from the gesture, she shifted her eyes around the room to avoid feeling flustered from the intense gaze of the man in front of her. She saw other men who are as handsome as the man in front of her and all eyes were on her.

Thalia felt self-conscious suddenly and started feeling embarrassed on how she currently looks, she hadn't had a shower since she was taken and she certainly hasn't brushed her teeth in days. She quickly shifted her body away from the man and brought her knees to her chin and hid her head inside.

Mariano rolled his eyes when he saw worry from his friend when Thalia moved away from him, but at the same time, he felt relieved that she isn't responding to his friend's antics.

"Mariano I didn't know you" An auburn haired man with gray eyes spoke.

"I didn't know you will visit, Adriano," Mariano replied flatly.

"That's funny because Sylvester said you invited us over because you need us," The blonde haired man spoke again. All of them snapped their eyes to Sylvester and saw him looking bored and was currently leaning on the wall.

"Did he now?" Mariano replied through gritted teeth. He glared at Sylvester, his friend saw his cold glare and decided to ignore it.

"Yano, I know what you said but you looked like you need another set of hands for this one," Sylvester replied dismissively and started walking towards Thalia.

Mariano quickly got in the way laid a hand on Sylvester's chest, the other man looking at him with a cocked eyebrow. Both men stared at each other intensely, trying to have a silent competition on who will back down but neither seemed to give up.

"Okay guys break it up," They felt hands pushing them away from each other, they looked at the person separating them and saw Thalia.

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