Chapter 3

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[marking for dubious consent though nothing really happens]

Harry didn't see Draco for the rest of the day. It was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because he didn't have to worry about fending off backhanded remarks about his lack of talent or any more jokes about his Amortentia incident, but a curse because he knew he had potions tomorrow and they were lab partners. Harry tensed up. They would have to re-brew the potion as partners since he had come in late and one of them would have to test it out. He shivered at the thought of Malfoy having that much power over him nor did he want to be able to have that much power over someone like Malfoy either.

He went to bed early that night.

"Potter," spoke Snape eerily. "Can you explain to the class what Amortentia smells like to you?" Harry tried to tell Snape that he already told the class on Monday, but his voice wasn't working.

"I think it smells like me, Professor." That was Malfoy's voice. "Isn't that right, Potter?"

As he turned to look at Malfoy the classroom turned from a room of potions to the Slytherin dormitories. Draco had his own room? As Harry tried to move off the bed he noticed that Malfoy had him tied to the headboard wearing only his Gryffindor boxers. That is when he began to properly freak out.

"Where do you think you're going, Potter?" Malfoy strutted over to him wearing nothing but a pair of forest green boxers. "I rather like it when you don't protest." The closer he came the Harry the weaker Harry became. Once he was close enough to kiss him, he did. When Draco moved away again his scent lingered, causing Harry to visibly shutter and his cock to harden as well. "Someone's over eager." Malfoy smirked down at Harry while pulling at his boxers.

Harry woke with a start. Ron chuckled beside him. Sending him a warm smile.

"Don't worry, mate. We're actually on time today. 'Mione is going to be proud. She's waiting in the common room with Ginny. She wanted to know if today was a good day for quidditch practice."

Harry nodded at Ron. He was too consumed by his dream to really listen to what his freckled face friend was saying. He got dressed and followed Ron into the Gryffindor Common Room where Harry approved Ginny's idea for quidditch practice then followed a bickering Ron and Hermione to the Great Hall for breakfast. Even as they sat he could not focus on eating because his only thoughts were full of Draco Malfoy. He began picking at bacon and poking around with his bits of egg before giving up completely and just taking a large sip of pumpkin juice.

Hermione, never one to miss a beat, looked at Ron.

"Did something happen after curfew last night?" She spoke quietly hoping to not break Harry's concentration.

"Not that I know of," said Ron around a mouthful of eggs and toast with jam before stuffing a sausage in as well. He swallowed then turned to Harry offering a sausage off his plate. Harry took it absentmindedly and placed it on his own plate before standing and walking out of the Great Hall with his head down, scratching at the back of his head. "If he didn't want it, he could have given it back," said Ron reaching for Harry's plate.


Draco walked away from the portrait outside of the Slytherin common room and continued through the dungeons towards the Potions classroom. He was glad the lust potion Zabini had tricked him into drinking had worn off and he opened the door expecting to be alone. He was skipping breakfast so obviously he would be a bit early. He wanted to make sure all of the ingredients were laid out properly so that Potter couldn't mess anything up when they re-brewed the Amortentia. His face paled when he took into the account the fact that the ingredients were already out and took a deep breath.

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