Chapter 9

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[trigger🚨warning mention of r*pe] (not long but its marked)

Once they were down the stairs they hit the corridors at a running pace, ripping off the cloak and calling on any teachers they could find, not really caring that they woke up some students in the process.

Ghosts began coming through the walls trying to figure out what the commotion was and house elves began coming from the kitchens to feed anyone who was hungry for being awoken at such a late hour.

Once Harry and Draco had reached the first floor and were standing in front of the doors of Hogwarts, surrounded by professors and students all in their pajamas and sleeping robes Harry cast the sonorus charm to amplify his voice and began talking so that the entire group could hear him. He noticed that Professor Snape was nowhere to be found.

"Professor Snape killed Dumbledore," he said it as calmly as he could before his voice cracked and a new wave of tears crashed over him. At the sight of him crying Draco was quick to pull him back into his arms and hold him. This seemed to wake people up more than Harry's announcement did. Harry released himself from Draco's grasp before pushing open the doors of the castle and running to where he knew Dumbledore's body lay, beneath the astronomy tower. As he stood there facing the body his legs felt like jelly and he fell on his knees without another word. Draco kneeled beside him rubbing his back and placing light kisses on his warm, tear stained cheeks.

They hadn't realized how far ahead of the group they had ran until a bloodcurdling scream was heard coming from a young Hufflepuff who had finally laid eyes on the body. Other gasps, shrieks and murmurs were heard as the group finally reappeared around their fallen headmaster.

McGonagall stepped forward along with other professors to gain control of the group of students before they all looked to the sky to find deep green smoke still lingering in the shape of the dark mark causing the group to gasp yet again.

"They apparated away from the castle," said Draco loud enough for everyone to hear while keeping his eyes and hands on Harry.

The students looked around, checking their surroundings to be sure no one was watching them about to attack.

Hermione pushed her way out of the crowd of students with Ron trailing behind her, before pulling out her wand and aiming it at Draco.

"So why aren't you with them?" she questioned stepping closer to Malfoy so that her wand pressed against the side of his head. He visibly gulped and turned to look at her. Harry was confused at her behavior. Wasn't she the one always giving people a chance? She was literally Malfoy's study partner. Had he been missing study sessions as well?

Did she know something?

"What're you talking about, Granger?" asked Malfoy trying to shake off her accusations.

"Well, you're a death eater, aren't you? Why haven't you apparated yet?" Draco looked taken aback by how blunt she was then looked away while trying to answer.

"Har-" he pretended to clear his throat. "I mean, Potter was pretty emotional. Not to mention he was all of our headmaster, Granger, even I have a heart." He rolled his eyes and looked back at her, but her gaze never softened.

"Back away from Harry, Malfoy," She spoke but it seemed as though it was more of a threat than a command. Malfoy blinked as if he had come out of a daze and obeyed. He let go of Harry, sneering over at Hermione and Ron.

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