Chapter 5

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Harry woke up in pain. Not the usual 'Awe shit, my scar hurts' pain but an all new sensation. Not only was his scar hurting his heart felt as though it was being ripped from his chest, placed back in and ripped out once more. He sat up barely able to breathe and hobbled out of his bed. As soon as his feet hit the floor he collapsed, being consumed by his pain. Once he was knocked out he wasn't sure if what he saw was a vision or a nightmare.

Voldemort eyed Snape and Draco who had been pulled from an entire cast and crew of Death Eaters. When he spoke it was like nails on a chalkboard that happened to linger within your ears.

"Have the preparations been completed for us to enter Hogwarts and destroy Harrrry Pottterrr?" He hissed out Harry's name and it forced his scar to burn.

"Everything on my end is prepared, my Lord," said Severus bowing once before standing tall and glancing over at Draco.

"I still have not found a way around the wards that protect the school grounds, my Lord." Malfoy looked down before speaking agin, expecting reparations. "I have, however, found a vanishing cabinet that could perfectly serve our purpose, my Lord." Voldemort stepped closer to Draco and Harry's heart almost imploded. He didn't want Voldemort near anything he loved.

Harry saw him reach a hand out and touch the blonde's slicked back hair and his heart burned like embers while his scar pierced deeper and deeper into his skin. He began patting the boys head almost like he was a puppy.

"You may be a great Death Eater yet, young Malfoy." As he touched Draco again Harry's vision began to get fuzzy and he felt himself collapsing again within his dream.

"Bloody hell, Harry. Are you alright?" Ron looked at him worried. Harry shook his head.

"Voldemort's coming. I need to find, Draco," Harry spoke as he tried to stand and rushed over towards his trunk where he was sure he had left the map.

"Could you not call him that around me, It gives me nightmares."

"What, Voldemort?"

"No, 'Draco'." Ron visibly gagged as he voiced the blonde's first name as well. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Ron, this is serious. I think he's going to do something insanely idiotic." He raised the Marauder's map above his head in relief and satisfaction and almost immediately opened it. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Ron looked over his shoulder and pointed at the foot prints and floating name of Draco Malfoy.

"See, he's in the castle. He's safe," Ron said trying to assure his best friend that everything was okay. Harry still shook his head and began looking for his invisibility cloak.

"But he's not in the dungeons. he's on his way to the seventh floor." Harry spoke as fast as he could, still sliding on a pair of shoes.

"So?" Asked Ron with his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"The Room of Requirement is on the seventh floor. If he ever needed to find a vanishing cabinet, that's where it would be, don't you think? I've got to stop him."

"Are you sure this isn't just the Amortentia talking, mate?" Harry shrugged.

"I don't think so, but even if it is, I still have to protect him." He threw the cloak over himself making sure the map and his wand were perfectly concealed as well and began the trip to the seventh floor. He stood waiting in the hall for what seemed like hours before he heard footsteps and smelt that familiar, loving fragrance.

"Great, it stills smells like Harry," Draco said to himself sarcastically. "Is there a time when I'm not thinking about him?" Harry felt his own heart flip at the other boy's private conversation. "I shouldn't be doing this without Severus. I should wait until the morning to tell Dumbledore what I've found out." Harry watched as Malfoy ran his hands through his hair, tugging the ends and thought about how good the blonde locks looked falling naturally.

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