Chapter 7

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The first trial potion finally wore off and the young wizards finished their potions essay, receiving the highest marks in class. Even Hermione was proud of how well she assumed they work together.

After that Harry didn't see Draco for almost 2 weeks. Their next few days during double potions with the Slytherins Draco had been "sick". Harry waited in their room for hours every day but he never showed and he wasn't around during meals either. Harry saw a glimpse of the blonde when he was making his own way to the pitch for practice.

This week was the Gryffindor versus Slytherin quidditch game and he was way more than anxious.

Ron ran up to Harry and began wheezing in an attempt to catch his breath. He looked upset and confused all at once and Harry wondered what could get his best friend in such a state.

"I don't know what you two are arguing about that got so serious, mate, but the games been cancelled." Harry's head snapped up.

"What d'you mean?"

"Malfoys refusing to play in the game on Thursday!" Ron yelled barely able to control his anger. "They cancelled the entire match because of one bloody player. I don't see why they can't just replace him."

"Did they say why he's refusing to play?" Harry asked keeping his head down trying to hide the tears welling up in his eyes. It was his fault. They had went too far. Draco didn't want to be near him anymore.

"Nope. But we all kind of assumed you two had gotten into another yelling match and he's just being a git about it. The usual, ya know?" Ron shrugged while Harry nodded avoiding looking directly at his friend to avoid the tears from falling.

"Ron, I'll talk to you later. I guess I have to go find Malfoy." Harry turned away from Ron and began walking in one quick motion away from the pitch and towards the Room of Requirement.

As Harry reached the corridor the door was just beginning to fade back into the wall. Being the curious one he was, he ran over and grabbed the handle before the door could fully dissipate into its former stone state. He pulled on the handle and walked into the room quietly hoping whoever he followed wouldn't notice. The room they entered wasn't the one he was used to seeing although it was one he had seen before. The room was filled from bottom to top with stuff. There were towers of books and cabinets that seemed to open and close on their own. Harry wondered if this was where things went when they went missing or if someone intentionally placed all of these items in here one by one when they were of no more use to them.

Although everything seemed to pile up in different places they must have been hexed to not fall because everything seemed to fit into some type of category. One stack was purely books. Another was made of a mix of broken tables and wooden chairs. A third looked on the brink of toppling over with cabinets and rugs. There were clear defined aisles and some sections were one singular object that burrowed into the ground or floated a bit above it to save space for other lone items.

Harry watched as one of the cabinets opened on what seemed to be it's own accord. He gasped when he saw a head of blonde hair ease out and look around slowly. Draco stepped out of the cabinet slowly and closed it behind himself quickly before locking it and rushing further down the aisle towards a large dark wood desk with a lamp that didn't really add much light to anything.

Harry watched Draco intensely. The blonde rubbed at his exposed forearm and the Gryffindor let out a squeak once he saw the mark. Draco heard the noise and quickly forced his sleeve down , looking around to see what made it.

"I know you're there, Potter. You're the only person who would follow me this far..." He spoke slowly as he began walking around at the same pace looking any place possible for where Harry could be hiding. Harry didn't make a noise, mad at himself for not bringing the invisibility cloak with him. It was at this point that he noticed Malfoy's hair wasn't slicked back, but messy and stuck to his forehead as if he had been pulling at it all week.

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