Chapter 11

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It had been 3 months since anyone had seen Malfoy. He was finally going to have a trial and Harry made sure to rush to the nearest Floo as soon as possible. He didn't care if Voldemort was on the loose or not. Draco needed him and he was going to be there for him.

Draco had spent his last few months in Azkaban. Supporters of You-Know-Who were automatically placed in the extremely secure facility. Therefore he was placed inside of a locked in a cage with a chair in it for the trial. He didn't understand why. Unlike most people, he accepted his fate. He was a criminal, if they expected him to escape or make a scene or anything they were going to be mistaken.

If he had learned anything in Azkaban it was that he was guilty. Any other emotion was blocked out. It was inly his guilt, his anger, his sadness and his self hatred. He deserved whatever he got.

"Draco Lucious Malfoy you are being put on trial for crimes against the Ministry of Magic: Receiving and Accepting the Dark Mark underage; conspiracy to murder Headmaster Albus Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry; attempting to murder said Headmaster; and assisting in the murder of the Headmaster." The auror looked at Draco solemnly. "Do you accept the charges that are being held against you?"

Malfoy looked over everyone in the jury who was watching him. He didn't seem to linger on any face in particular. His cheeks were sunken in and he had dark circles engulfing his eyes. His usual plump pink lips were a straight, pale line of chapped skin. He let his head fall forward and when he finally spoke his voice was a whisper that still seemed to echo through the large room.


A resounding gasp made Draco's head snap up. He scanned over the group. Everyone believed he was a dedicated follower anyway. Who would be surprised? Before he could look back down his eyes met a pair of emerald ones that seemed to pull him closer. He stood up and stepped as close to the emerald as possible and placed his hands on the bars, laying his forehead on the cool metal and staring at the raven hair that seemed to fall messily into the glimmering green. He loved that rats nest of hair, those eyes-

"You will be placed under Veritaserum and asked to give us a detail description of that night. Will you comply?" Asked one of the aurors assisting in the trial. He had wispy midnight blue hair and ears that slimmed to a point on the tip. Draco's thoughts cane back to him. That resounding feeing of hopelessness. He looked up at the elven wizard and nodded.

"I have no reason not to."

"Very well, let's begin." The elf moved to Draco's cage and administered the veritaserum before stepping back and waiting patiently. Draco had returned to his seat and his head fell forward slightly while the potion ran through him purging him of lies. "We'll start with basic questions to gauge how you look when you try to withhold information with the serum in your system. Are you ready?"


"What is your name?"


"Full name."

"Draco Lucious Malfoy."

"What are your parents' names?"

"Lucious and Narcissa Malfoy."


"I don't have one. I'm a full time student at Hogwarts. "

"No, your parents! What do they do?"

"My father worked for the ministry and I'm not sure what mother did or does. I assume she just prepares food for meals." There was a group of women in the watching the trial who gasped, while a few of the men there were trying to contain their laughter, but the fact that Draco was under veritaserum and honestly had no idea what his mother did was amusing. The lead auror was tired of jokes and jumped to what he really wanted to know.

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