Chapter 14

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The group sat in an uncomfortable silence. The war was fast approaching and they weren't quite ready to let go of what they all considered to be their home, one way or another. They looked at each other somewhat skeptically, trying to find where everyone's true alliance lied. Pansy was the first to actually speak.

"If we aren't giving Golden Boy up we probably need a plan of attack."

"Well what do you suggest," asked Hermione pulling out a self inking quill and a sheet of parchment.

When is Granger not prepared? Draco shook the thought out of his head and waited for ideas.

"I don't know," Pansy shrugged, rolling her eyes. "I figured you lot would be good for something."

"Why can't we just go to McGonagal?" Asked Ron. "Why do we always have to do the planning and the fighting?"

"'Cause," Harry started gloomily, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm the Chosen One remember. I'm supposed to kill Voldemort and bring forth a new age of happiness to the wizarding world. Yet I can't even get rid of a few petty Death Eaters that came knocking on my front door."

Draco rolled his eyes at Harry's self doubt.

"Weasley, you're almost as good as me at wizard chess. I know you can come up with a simple bloody strategy without complaining so much."

"Oi, Malfoy if you're so good at wizard chess why don't you develop the strategy. I've already run through all the scenarios I could think of placing Harry as a king and you as a queen piece. None of them work unless we lose the queen." For once Hermione looked surprised. She hadn't realized Ron had actually been thinking about the situation, let alone trying to strategize. Pansy on the other hand looked completely confused.

"That's not an option," said Harry, but before he could protest more Draco was squeezing his hand and Pansy was talking.

"I hate wizard chess. Someone explain." Her voice seemed to shake a bit because even though she didn't understand the full game she knew what it meant to lose a piece. She had seen Draco play enough to know that much.

"The king can't make many moves," started Blaise while motioning towards Harry. "Because the other players are after it. The queen on the other hand," he moved his hand to point towards Draco and continued to talk. "Can move wherever and however she so desires, because although she's an important piece she isn't as important as the king would be." Pansy nodded at Blaise then snapped her head to look at Ron, glaring as harshly as possible.

"So you think we're just about to trade Draco in for a few more moments for King Klutz over there?" She scoffed. "You should take time out of potions class, it's clear the fumes have gone to your little ginger head."

"Is anyone listening to me?" Asked Harry astounded that no one was paying him any attention or ignoring him if they were. Draco kissed his cheek then spoke honestly.

"Yes, we're listening dear, but no one wants to hear your self loathing right now. There are more pressing matters in front of us." He turned back towards the rest of the group.

At this point it seemed Hermione had set a charm on her quill to go through all possible outcomes of a chess match that would not sacrifice the queen or the king. Blaise was watching the quill write with immense speed while Pansy plopped herself onto one of the armchairs by the fireplace pulling her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs and resting her chin on top.

For the first time in her life she couldn't think of anything to say. Even her usual taunts seemed to die in her throat. They weren't as important as keeping her best friend safe. She knew that, but it felt odd for her not to be in control of the situation. To be quite honest, it scared her almost as much as the possibility of losing Draco.

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