Chapter 4

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Another cover from the beautiful Smelly_Elly_

*Catherine's P.O.V.*

"Where are we going?" I asked Hayden, once we got in his car.

The weather was nice, unlike the forecast's predictions. There were no clouds in the sky and the sun was hot and bright. I really like Fall. I mean, don't all women? It's the only season in which you are having the bright sun above your head, but there's always a chance of a surprise raining party. And it usually happens the exact same moment you need the weather to match your miserably sad mood.

"I was thinking of going to the mall, but we can go wherever you want," Hayden shrugged turning on the engine.

"You know," I started. "It's not a great time to waste our money on things we don't need. I can't afford-"

Hayden cut me off. "My dad is paying," he put on his glasses as he must do on the road. "He said that he wanted to congratulate me for getting my license, and since I have already bought a car, he just gave me money."

Well, that made sense, I thought to myself.

"You really don't have to do that for me," I told him truthfully. I kind of felt bad when people wasted their time or money on me.

To be honest, though, I was really happy to have another adult in the house. Sometimes I felt the pressure of being in charge, like a backpack full of bricks on my shoulders. We all know the feeling; we've been to middle school before.

"You are my best friend, Cat," he smiled without taking his eyes off the road. "It is my job to help you. Plus, it's gonna be fun living together," he winked at me. Dork.

"Thank you," I told him and kissed his cheek.

"Do not disturb the driver!" he yelled in a half-serious tone.

"Oops," I laughed and turned on the radio.

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"Do you like this one?" I showed him a baby blue T-shirt. It had a stamp on it which said 'my best friend is better than yours'.

I mentally cringed, feeling kinda bad for whoever bought it. Or even received it as a present. Poor them...

"Is she?" he smirked, making me smack his arm. "Shoo! Go look at the women's section," he ordered pushing me away.

"But I don't need more clothes," I whined.

"Go. Now. Or I will choose some for you," he warned me. I groaned unhappily and walked away.

Now listen, it's not that I don't like actually shopping. I just hate it when it comes to paying. Not to mention that once you have found one thing you like, then all of a sudden you want to buy the entire store and then there are no money for food or paying for the electricity. I'll stick with my good old clothes, thank you very much.

When I finally reached the women's section, I glanced at a group of girls carrying huge piles of clothes inside their changing rooms.

I shook my head, already knowing that if I were them I would walk out of the changing room with one crop top, if anything. I chuckled at my strange habit of not liking anything on me and went over to a lilac dress that had caught my eye when we walked in.

"Do you like it?" Hayden asked from behind me making me jump. I almost shit myself, I tell you.

"My freaking heart, you idiot! How many times do I have to tell you not to scare me like that?" I slapped the back of his head playfully.

"So?" he shrugged not paying attention to my warnings. "Do you like it?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I like it," I shrugged. "But I'm not buying it." I told him smirking and walked away.

"Why?" he asked, following behind me.

"Because, one; I don't need it, and two; even if I did, I don't have shoes to match it with."

"Fine," he rolled his eyes. "So you're not willing to buy anything?" I shook my head, feeling the triumph in my blood. I win the battle this time, Mr. Hayden.

"Okay," he rolled his eyes. "Go find us a table at Starbucks and I'm coming in a moment."

I nodded and left him alone to pay for his stuff. Who knew boys could shop alone? I laughed like an idiot at my own joke.

My phone rang in my pocket and I fished it out glancing at the caller ID. It was Mrs Ross, Elsa's mum, from the day before.

"Hello?" I answered the phone thinking of the cute girl I had spent my time with the day before.

"Hello, Catherine. It's Ellie. I am calling to ask if you could babysit Elsa again today," she sighed through the line. "I know it's last minute, but I really need you."

"Um... Yeah, of course I can," I agreed. "What time?" I asked, making a little time plan in my brain.

"Five, just like yesterday. Is that okay with y-you?" Her voice breaking a bit from what I guessed was exhaustion.

"Yeah. It's totally fine." I reassured her.

"Thank you so much, sweetie. I'll see you then! Bye."

"Goodbye," I said and hung up.

"You still haven't found us a table?" Hayden tapped on my shoulder, scaring me.


"Sorry, I was on the phone," I told him, giving him my best puppy-eyes look.

"With who?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Elsa's mother," I shrugged walking into Starbucks. "She wants me to babysit again today."

"I thought you were having a day off of everything," he scolded me and sat on a table in the corner of the café.

"I couldn't say no to my new bestie!" I argued in a high pitched voice, sticking my tongue out at him like a five-year-old.

"Very mature," he shook his head smiling. "I only hope you won't dump me for Elsa."

"Who knows..." I shrugged and burst out laughing, when he shot me a very meaningful glare.

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Babysitting The Bad Boy's Little Sister ✔ (editing) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon