Chapter 22

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♥ Catherine's P.O.V ♥

The rest of the day, I was in a sad mood. Nobody really bothered me or talked to me either.

At lunch, the girls didn't say anything. Not that I told them about what happened in the morning...

Maybe they had understood. Or maybe they didn't care about me anymore.

"Is something wrong?" Hayden asked me once we got into his car.

"Just drive me home," I said, not wanting to talk about it. When we where driving through the gates, I spotted Tyler's car. He was sitting on the hood with his friends, talking.

He didn't see me, but I wished he was talking about me.

We reached my brothers' school and they got in the car, smirking.

"We found some awesome winter destinations! Our ICT teacher let us search online and our Geography teacher even suggested us some!" Max said excited.

Jake gave me a piece of paper and I looked at it.

Christmas Holidays!

"Don't you think these places are a little too far away?" I asked them, without turning around.

"They are in Europe, come on! We have never traveled outside the US!" Jake whined.

"Fine, I'll see."

We went home and I headed straight to my room. I just wanted to be alone.

It was Hayden's day to cook lunch, so I didn't have anything to do.

I took of my shoes and changed into a pair of black leggings and a baggy
T-shirt. I laid down on my bed and took my phone, to listen to some music.

I pressed the shuffle button and "I'm a mess" by Ed Sheeran started playing.

I was really a mess. I couldn't understand why! Why did he ignore me? Did I do something wrong?

Maybe he just played me...

My bedroom door opened and Hayden came in.

"I want to be alone," I said, pressing the pause button on my phone.

"I thought that maybe I could cheer you up a bit. And help you look for holiday destinations," he smiled at me.

He walked towards my bed and sat down next to me. He hugged me and kissed my head. I always liked that.

"Do you really want to go?" I asked him.

"I mean, it's a good idea," he shrugged.

I took my laptop on my lap and turned it on. Once it was ready, I went on Google and searched travel agencies.

"I think France is going to cost a lot. Plus if we go there, the boys will want to go to Disneyland and that adds a lot more to the price," I said.

"Yeah. And Italy is out too," Hayden added and I nodded.

"England?" I asked, again not looking at him.

"For Christmas? Eh."

"Let's see Hungary. I kinda like it."

The tickets were almost the same price to every country. After searching the hotels, we decided that these in Budapest, Hungary, were the cheapest, yet astonishing ones.

"So Budapest it is," I sighed.

"You don't seem excited," Hayden told me. "If you don't want to go, it's okay. The boys will understand," he said, holding my hand.

"It's not that," I shook my head.

"Then what is it?" he asked.

"I don't know if I want to talk about it," I said, closing my eyes to prevent myself from crying in front of my best friend.

"Hey, look at me," he said, gently squeezing my hand. "You can tell me anything. I'm here for you."

I sighed again. "Tyler was ignoring me the whole day. I tried talking to him, but all he did was find some excuse and leave."

I couldn't take it anymore. I cried.

One tear fell after the other.

"Was I just a toy, Hayden? Did he play me like the other girls? How could he lie to me? I thought he had changed. I believed him," I cried.

"Shh, Cat. I know that nothing of this is true."

"What happened then? Why was he ignoring me? On Saturday we were just fine," I complained.

"Did anything happen on Sunday?" he asked.

"No. I didn't see him on Sunday," I sniffed, shaking my head.

Hayden looked at me like I had grown a second head.

"Tyler came here on Sunday morning when you were with the girls upstairs. He said that he wanted to give you something."

"But he never came in my room," I said, when a flashback of everything that happened that day came in my mind.

My conversation with the girls about him.

Them saying that I shouldn't go out with him again.

The weird sound of something falling...

Tyler had heard everything.

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