Chapter 19

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♥ Catherine's P.O.V ♥

"Let's go to the carousel!" I jumped up and down, shaking Tyler's hand.

"I feel like I'm on a date with my little sister," he shook his head, laughing.

"Shut up and let's go!" I laughed.

We got on the carousel, earning some weird looks from the mothers that were waiting with their children to ride too.

Maybe it was because of my overexcitement... Oops.

We got into a carriage, since the ponies were only for little children.

"Why are you so good to me?"

"You are my girl," he smirked.

"Quoting Forrest Gump, aren't we?" I laughed and brought my legs over his.

"Maybe," he smiled at me. "But if you really want to know, I decided to change," he said truthfully.

"Why?" I asked. The carousel was going around for the second time. One more, and then we had to leave.

"I guess I was a bit jealous when I saw Elsa looking at you with such admiration... I wanted to be her role model, the best brother she could ever have. And my past wasn't the best, so I decided to leave it behind and... Yeah, that," he said and laughed awkwardly.

I took his hands in mine. "You already were her role model, not that I don't like the new you," I laughed and winked.

"Thanks," he said.

A moment of silence came afterwards. Not at the fair. Between us. Only us. Like we were all alone. I could feel him lean closer, and I did the same.


The carousel's bell rang, signaling the end of the round.

We stood there, frozen. None of us wanted to move. I was blushing so much and my level of embarrassment was over the limits.

"Um..." Tyler said, leaning back a bit.

"I guess we should go, there are other people that want to ride," I left, without looking back.

"Hey, wait up!" he shouted. He grabbed my arm and twisted me around. We were really close. His arms fell on my back and my arms found their way to his neckline. "Why did you run away from me?"

"I don't know," I lied.

"You don't want to kiss me, do you?" he said, his face dropping a bit.

I stood up on my tip toes and planted a light kiss on his lips. He didn't respond, which ment that he was too surprised by what I had just done.

"It's not that," I smiled. "I was just embarrassed."

He nodded and smiled, leaning in to give me another kiss.

"No, no, no!" I shook my finger in front of his face. "You had your chance and didn't respond. I don't give you another one," I smirked, still trapped between his arms.

"Oh, come on," he pouted.

"Nope," I said and walked away from him, still smirking.

"What if I win a something for you?" he offered. My eyes widened and I turned around.

"Deal!" I smiled.


"Can't you see that they are cheating? Let's go to another one!" I told him for the millionth time.

He had been trying to knock down three cups with a ball for at least twenty minutes.

Sounds easy? Well, try doing it when the cups are from glass and the ball is actually a ping pong one.

"No! I am going to win and take this stuffed unicorn for you!" he said, throwing again the little ball.

Believe it or not.... nah, he missed again.

The girl who was inside the stand, looked at him with sympathy.

"Here, try this one," she gave him another ball.

Tyler threw the ball and knocked down all three of the cups. I jumped on his back and cheered.

The girl just laughed and shook her head.

"I'm going to guess that you want the unicorn," she joked. Tyler nodded and took the unicorn from her.

"Thank you," I told her, smiling sweetly.

"No problem. You're lucky you have him as your boyfriend," she smiled back.

"He's not my boyfriend," I shook my head, still smiling. "This is our first date."

"By the way he looks at you, I am sure it's not going to be your last."

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