Chapter 12

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*Catherine's P.O.V.*

"So, I'm cooking on Monday, Thursday and Friday?" Hayden asked.

"Yup and I will be cooking on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays," I counted the days with my fingers. "And Sundays will be takeout days," I informed everybody as they grinned happily from ear to ear.

As you may have understood, we are making a plan on who will do what in the house every day. That way we will all be a hand of help in the house and nobody will have more on his or her shoulders than the others. Sure, I have more, but let's just say that we did that anyway, okay?

"What about our bedrooms?" one of the twins asked.

"Everyone will clean up his own room once a week," both of my brothers groaned at the sound of that. "Yes, you monkeys," I rolled my eyes. "Let's say..."

"Saturday," Hayden suggested. "Sundays are relaxation days, we can't clean up then," he shrugged already knowing that his ass will need some rest after all this shit.

"Sounds good," I smiled and wrote everything down. "And since we are the adults in the house, we will clean up the kitchen, living room and bathrooms, but you," I pointed at Jake and Max, "will have to wash the dishes every day," I smirked at my evil plan.

I always hated doing the dishes. Especially when you have to clean the leftovers and you accidentally touch the gross combination of mashed potatoes and red sauce... Ew!

I was mean, I know. But they had to do something too! Don't judge me!

Both of my brothers groaned once again. What a torture I have got them into... Poor kids.

Not even close.

"I think we are done," I smiled at my masterpiece. On the cute, little chalkboard I had bought, I had drawn a whole plan with the days and our names along with the things each one of us had to take care of.

"Finally!" Jake let out a frustrated sigh and stood up from the table.

"Goodnight," everyone said in the same tired tone and sleepily walked to their rooms.

I hung the plan on the wall, next to the fridge and finally called it a day by jumping on my bed and falling asleep immediately.

*Tyler's P.O.V.*

"There's a party at Nick's house tomorrow. Are you coming?" Ryan, one of my best mates, asked me through the phone.

It was midnight, but none of us was in the mood to sleep. Maybe drinking coffee at eight o'clock wasn't such a great idea.

"Nick, as in Catherine's friend?" I asked him, scrolling through her Facebook profile. She didn't have many things in it. Her latest post was a picture of her and a guy with the caption 'the most important person in my life'.

I suppose it is her boyfriend, but who really knows these days? Friend-zoning can never be gone for good. And in such a situation I'd be sorry for the guy... Well, kind of.

Although I hadn't talked to Catherine a lot, she seemed different from the other girls. Cliché and cringy, I get it, but it's true. When she joked about being allergic to walnuts I was so mad, but also relieved that she wasn't going to die.

Isn't that how you are supposed to feel about humans in general?

Maybe true.

What's wrong with me, jeez? I really have to stop thinking about what happened or what could have happened... Over-thinking things only makes me think of her more, too.

"Tyler!" Ryan shouted through the phone. "Where did you go, dude?"

"I'm here, what did you ask again?" I asked him turning off my laptop.

"You asked if Nick is Catherine's friend and I said yes. So, are you coming?"

"Yeah, sure. My mum will be here, so no need to worry about Elsa."

"Elsa has a babysitter anyway," I could clearly imagine him smirking while saying that.

"Shut it. She's most probably going to the party too."

"I know, man. We'll talk to her, right?" he asked laughing.

"I will talk to her. You will leave us alone and go get laid or something," I smirked although he couldn't see me.

"Fine. You are lucky you are my best friend."

"Nope," I chuckled while walking towards my bed. "I'm lucky you are desperate to have sex," I laughed a bit too loudly and eventually hung up.

*Catherine's P.O.V.*

"Wake up, Cat! We're going to be late!" someone shouted, shaking me out of my sleep.

"But it's Saturday," I cried out. "Let me sleep some more," I pleaded, attempting to turn away from my awesome-sleep intruder.

"It's Friday, you idiot!" Hayden picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

He put me down on the bathroom floor and threw me a towel. "Get the heck up, wash your face and brush your teeth. Fast! I'm going to find you some clothes. We are so late."

I quickly did as I was told and almost like a robot brushed my teeth and hair. When eventually in my bedroom, I put on a crop top and a pair of skinny jeans Hayden had picked out for me, matched with a pair of white Converse.

He's learning from the mama of fashion. Me, duh!

I run down the stairs and headed to the kitchen, only to find my brothers eating calmly their breakfast.

"What are you doing? We have to go to school!" I rushed to grab a granola bar, bumping into the corner of the counter with my ribs while doing so.

"We still have," Jake glanced at his watch. "Like, an hour. What happened to you?" He asked looking at me up and down as if I was some mad lady.


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