3. First Meetings

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The drive into town the next day was faster now that she had her bearings. It only took her a few minutes and she thought about walking from now on to keep fit. She needed the car today for furniture but after that it would be better to cut down on costs.

She didn’t have to worry about money since her father had passed, he had left her and Adam a considerable sum each. Adam had blown through his in a few months, but not Norah. She put it all away, collecting interest and adding to it when she worked for Ray over the summers. Alice had always made him employ her to be what he affectionately called, a ‘paper bitch’, and Norah realised, as she pulled up in front of the café, that this would be her first summer in four years that she hadn’t worked at Ray’s company. A pang twisted in her chest and she walked into the shop, thinking it was a weird thing to be sad about.

Olivia came over from the far window, empty china in her right hand and she surprised Norah with a quick one armed hug. “Hey, how are you settling in?”

“All right, I spent yesterday cleaning so at least the house is looking better. Now I just need some furniture.”

Olivia went behind the counter and putting the cups down, she started preparing Norah’s coffee, remembering what she had ordered the day before. “How much did Jack burn this time?”

Norah raised an eyebrow. “Does everyone just turn a blind eye to his pyro habits?”

“Pretty much. He’s actually a decent guy, he’s been good to my brother, Luke over the years, when he isn’t completely tanked. Also it’s fun to watch sometimes, he really knows how to start a fire.”

“Weird,” Norah muttered, before raising her voice. “Can you make the coffee to go? I want to go and check out this second hand place.”

“Sure, it’s just up the road by the way. Across the street from Brad’s mechanics. You know, Brad,” she teased, “the guy who was flirting with you yesterday?”

Olivia handed her a cardboard cup and she wrapped her fingers around its warmth. “You were watching?”

“Hells yeah, not much else to do around here, except gossip and snoop into other people’s business.”

Norah didn’t like the sound of that. She’d prefer they knew as little about her problems as possible.

“He was all over you,” Olivia continued. She looked Norah up and down. “He doesn’t seem like your type.”

She laughed. “You’ve known me less than two days, Olivia, for all you know my type is scrawny, balding, middle aged men.”

Olivia held up her hand. “Okay, first of all – gross. Second of all, you are just like me; you like them well defined, with a rock hard –“

“Don’t finish that sentence, Olivia!” Gail called out. “Or I’ll be telling your brother.”

Norah guessed her brother was the over protective type as Olivia rolled her eyes. “I was going to say, personality!”

“Sure,” Gail muttered and Olivia grinned. The door opened and more customers walked in.

Saying goodbye, Norah got back in her car, taking a long swig of coffee before she started the engine and headed up another block, pulling up in the small lot beside the second hand furniture shop. Having everything so close together was quite convenient. Grabbing the cup and her bag, she headed inside.

A short stocky man stood near the front counter, clip board in hand and looked up as she approached. “How are you doing ma’am? What can I help you with today?”

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