9. Problems & Promises

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*Language Warning*

Rylan jumped forward, covering her mouth. She tried to move away but his free hand moved to her hand, holding her gently. “Don’t scream, Norah, I’m here to help you.” She tried to fight his hold, and he made a shushing noise. “Listen to me; Tristan was sent here to kill you. I’m not the bad guy here. Now I need you to calm down.”

He removed his hand and she stared at him, her breathing erratic. “Breathe,” he whispered. His hand was still at the back of her head, his thumb moving in a circular motion. “Match my breaths, come on.”

She stared into his eyes, trying to do as he said, her brain unable to think of anything else to do. Her breathing slowly changed as she mimicked his inhale and exhale, settling into a normal rhythm and she glanced past him, at the dead man. Her voice came out in a squeak. “Y-you were wolves, but h-how…?”

“Shh,” he brushed her hair from her face. “I’ll explain, I promise, but right now I need to get him out of here, okay?”

She nodded, and he let her go, moving to the phone she’d dropped on the floor. Once he moved, she had a clear view of dead Thor. Her eyes drifted over the pool of blood, reaching his lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling, and her legs buckled. She sunk to the floor unable to tear her eyes away.

“Aaron?” Rylan spoke on the phone. “Yeah, it’s me. Got a problem at Jack’s beach house.”

There was silence and Rylan murmured. “Yeah, it was Tristan. She’s pretty shaken up.”

Silence again.

“No, she can come in the morning, just bring Logan for now. Later.”

He hung up and there was a pause before he crouched down beside her. “Norah? Are you all right?” She didn’t answer, and he sighed. “I’m sorry.”

His words washed over her, she wanted to ask why he was sorry, but she couldn’t speak, she could only stare at the dead man. Rylan moved in front of her, blocking her view. Her focus was now on his chest, and he tilted her chin, making her meet his eyes. “Are you in there?”

Her eyes moved lower and heat flooded her cheeks. “Naked.”

“What?” He leaned closer to hear.

“You’re naked.”

“Oh, just realising?” She managed a weak glare, and he laughed lightly. “Not the time to joke, sorry. I don’t have any clothes with me, so I suggest looking only at my pretty face.”

Moving her legs, she curled them up to her chest and buried her head in her arms. She heard him laugh quietly and his hand touched her head. “Or that will work too.”

They sat in silence, Norah because she was still in shock, and Rylan because he didn’t know what to say. She kept replaying their transformations in her mind, trying to process if it was real or some cruel trick. A word kept flashing through her mind, but she refused to contemplate it, believing it to be too ridiculous. There’s no way it can be that.

A truck sounded outside, the engine cutting off and she heard Rylan stand up. Footsteps sounded on the veranda and she heard the door open. “Hey - Jesus, Rylan, no wonder the girl’s shaken up, seeing you naked would be enough to freak anyone out.”

“Shut up, Aaron.”

“Shit.” Another voice sounded and she realised two people had come. They were silent for a moment and she heard a slap. “Sorry, Rylan.”

Silence, then Rylan spoke. “Let’s just get him out of here.”

Norah kept her head down, listening to them move the man Rylan had called, Tristan from her house. They stayed outside afterwards, and she heard their muted voices speaking quietly. Cautiously, she looked up and saw her empty living room. The only reminder of the horror was a pool of blood. She stared at the puddle, her eyes drowning in red and it felt like it was taunting her, reminding her that her life was filled with bloodshed and trouble.

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