Chapter 9 : All of them in one room.

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Franco's P.O.V

I told Casey about the chemo thing and it could maybe just five minutes later and she passes out. I jump up and pick her up and rush to my car. I put her in and climb in. I drive so far over the speed limit just to get to her dorm room. Thank God I didn't get pulled over.

I stop in the parking lot and get her out of the car. As I am speed walking to her room. Afraid if I run I might drop her. A guy that looks her age and is shorter then Aaron runs up next to me and asks ,"Is she okay?"

As I walk I ask him ,"And you are?" He speed walks beside me and says ,"I am Warren." I then say ,"Well, Warren. I am her big brother and I have heard about you... and no she is not okay."

He then asks ,"What happened?" We get to her dorm room and I scream ,"Aaron! Aaron. Open up!" Literally seconds later he opened up the door."

When he saw her he took her and turned around and rushed into her room. We walked in after him. I then say ,"Warren, just stay here. We'll explain now." I walk into the room to find Aaron on his way out.

I then ask ,"Is she breathing?" He then says ,"Yes she is. She'll be unconscious for a while but I will keep an eye on her."

We come around the corner and Aaron's behavior changes completely. He straightens his back and clenched his fists. I stop Aaron and say ,"He just wants to know what's wrong and what happened, relax."

He didn't answer me. We sat on the couch opposite from Warren. I start off by saying ,"Well, Warren. My sister literally means the world to me. No one can compare to how much I love her and how much she means to me. So don't hurt her or you sure as hell hope someone else finds you before us two do."

He then asks ,"Now what about him..." he slightly pointed to Aaron and continues ,"... he hurt your sister to the absolute limit."

Aaron then says ,"You know what... I can't take this anymore I am gonna leave because no matter what happens everything swings right back to me." He stands up and I pull him back down and say ,"You stay right here or you will get a beating."

He sits down. Warren then says ,"Someone is scared." Aaron then angrily says ,"I not scared I am careful. I don't want to get beaten up by a UFC fighter."

Warren straightens his back and Aaron laughs and says ,"Look who's scared now."  I then interrupt them and say ,"Okay stop it. You are like two jealous little boys."

Warren then says ,"We can see who is more jealous." Aaron then says ,"You know what, fuck you." Before Warren could answer I say ,"Can we get back to Casey now, please."

They both nod. I then say ,"I am gonna start off with when we first saw Casey had breathing problems. I was six years old when my mom came rushing down with Casey in her hand. Who is barely breathing. When I asked what was wrong my mom put it this way. Your little sister is on her way to heaven. Which I knew that she was busy dying because she can't breathe. We got to the hospital as quick as we could. When we got there the doctors took my sister into the operating room. My mom cradled me in her arms saying that my sister is going to be okay. After a while we prayed for my sister.

"After what felt like forever the doctor came out and said that we could see my sister. We went to see my sister and my mom said I can go in while she spoke with the doctor. I went in and found my sister sleeping on a breathing machine. I sat for a while praying that God shouldn't take my sister away from me. I turned to look at my mom speaking with the doctor and she was crying hugging him. She let go and wiped her tears and came into the room. I then asked my mom if Casey was going to be okay and she nodded saying that she should sleep with a breathing machine her entire life otherwise she could die because her lungs don't produce enough oxygen to help her heart beat when she is sleeping. I hugged my mom and said that everything will be okay. I promised my mom that I won't let anything  happen to Casey that I will always be there for and protect her... and I hadn't broken my promise since that day..." I stopped and signaled Aaron to go on.

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