Loyal to the Game.

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"Coming!" Tyla said as she went downstairs.

"Hey" KJ said with a smile. "You ready for school?"

"Yeah.. Just let me get my bag"

She ran upstairs.

"How you doing Mrs.Thicke?"

"I'm doing well, what about you Keith?"


"That's good, tell your mom I said hey?"

"Of course"

"Alright, I'm already.. Bye mom"

"Bye sweetie"

And with that we were off to the stake ring. What did you really think we were going to school on senior ditch day?

"You got it?"

KJ was helping Tyla learn to skate for her date with Roc later.

"I gues-" she said getting cut off when she fell.

"You okay?" KJ said while chuckling, attempting to help her up.

"Shut up." She said standing up. "Maybe I should just cancel"

"No you don't, you're always talking about him and now that he asks you out on a date you try to cancel?"

"Well if you put it that way"

"You're still not over Ray are you?"

"Of course I am"

"That's your lying face!"

"No it's not!"

"It kinda is, are you only going to this date to make him jealous?"

"I guess" she says mumbling.

"Look, Tyla." He said sighing grabbing my hands looking her into the eye. "If you want him back you shouldn't have to do all this, if he's anything like you say.. You'll be able to talk to him"

"You're a really good friend" she said smiling slightly.

"Thanks.. Do you wanna come over?"

"Duh" She said giggling.

They traded in their skates for their shoes and walked outside.

"Race you to the car!" Tyla said running towards it, catching him off guard.

"Aye, that's cheating"

On the car ride home she was quite while looking out the window.

"What's on your mind little bit?"


"What about him?"

"What if us breaking up was a mistake, I mean I should be used to the hate"

"It's normal for you to let negative comments to get to you Ty, don't be yourself up.. And if you really love him just talk to him about how you feel"

"Okay.. Thank you" she said with a nod.

"Stop thanking me, that's what I'm here for"

"Stop!" Ty said while laughing and throwing soapy water at KJ.

"You started it!" He said laughing throwing even more soapy water.

"Ehh, that one got in my mouth" she said while sitting on the counter as he dried off his hands standing in front of her.

They looked at each other and smiled.

"You have a beautiful smile T"

"Awh, thank you" she said smiling.

"It could never compare to who you are as a whole tho"

She blushed and bit her lip.

"Tell me when to stop" he said grabbing her thighs gently, kissing her softly.

She broke the kiss.

"I'm sorry Keith.. But I just can't"

"No I'm sorry. I got a head of myself, it was stupid.. I'll take you home."

He grabbed his keys and headed for the door.

After Keith dropped off Ty she fell asleep on the couch watching tv causing her to miss her date with Roc.

She woke up when she heard someone at the door.

"Coming!" She got off the couch and whipped her eyes, opening the door.


"You didn't show up tonight... I just wanted to see if you were alright."

"Oh, well I'm fine thanks"

"Okay maybe that wasn't the reason"

"I didn't think it was"

"I really miss you.."

"I miss you too Ray"

"Look I'm sorry for getting so jealous about dude-"


"KJ, I mean I finally got you and I pushed you away because of my insecurities"

"But if you were really sorry you would of believed me when I said it wasn't true"

"I know I just was thinking about the worst, instead of the best."

"Well.. You weren't completely wrong either, he kissed me today.. I didn't think that he liked me but I guess you saw it before I did"

"Yeah" he said nodding.

"It wasn't just that though.. I know I should be used to it but the hate was getting to me"

"I'm sorry about that as well.. I'll say something-"

"No" she said with a chuckle. "Don't do that, they already don't like me"

He smiled slightly.

"Well look, I have practice in the morning but I'll hit you up after okay?

"Okay Ray" she said smiling and closing the door.

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