Chapter Two, Sisters in Love

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Chapter Two

Danica sat across from Belinda Trenton, desperately trying to focus on her client’s latest issue instead of the pain she felt every time she sniffled or blinked. It hurt, but her nose hadn’t blossomed into a swollen mess, so she was pretty sure it wasn’t broken. Belinda chewed gum like a cow chews its cud. Her eyeliner was reminiscent of Madonna’s style from the eighties. Her dark hair was long and thick, pinned up in the very front with a petite barrette, leaving sexy tendrils hanging past her silver-rimmed glasses. She looked like a vixen librarian. The tops of her breasts plumped out of the low-cut T-shirt she wore, and her black skinny jeans looked more like a second skin than a layer of clothing. She bounced her stiletto heels as she spoke. Blake would love you, Danica thought, before quickly chiding herself for being snarky.

“I wasn’t going to sleep with him. I really wasn’t,” Belinda said, continuing her rationale for her previous evening’s romp.

“I’m not here to judge you, Belinda. It’s okay if you did want to sleep with him. But I thought you were trying to restrain yourself. Trying a new tactic.” Same conversation, different day. Belinda was no more in charge of her hormones than the sky had the power to withhold rain. Danica’s thoughts turned to Blake’s shoulders, and she wondered what it might feel like to touch them. Oh God, what’s happening to me? If even she couldn’t keep her thoughts focused—and she was the least sexual person she knew—how could she expect her sexed-up clients to?

“I know. I was. Meet them, chat, and don’t take them home, right?” Belinda looked at her for affirmation.

“Yes.” She mulled over what Belinda had done. What was so bad about it, really? She was attracted to a man and went home with him. Ever since that morning, all Danica could think about was what would have happened if she’d let Blake buy her coffee. For the first time in her life, Danica was wondering about that moment of impact, that instant attraction that so many could not deny—her sister included. She wondered why Kaylie had that level of desire and why she didn’t. She’d always thought that she was the less troubled one. Now, after experiencing heart-pounding excitement at the sight of Blake, she began to wonder if something was wrong with her after all. Why hadn’t she ever felt this way before?

“Well, I tried that, but he just kept offering. He said he had this great, new CD he wanted me to hear—and I like music.”

I like coffee. “Do you know what you're doing?”

Belinda rolled her eyes. “Rationalizing.”

Danica nodded. Some people would call Belinda a sex addict. Even Danica had lost track of the number of men that had shared Belinda’s bed in the past year. But Danica didn’t like that term—sex addict. She felt it was a cop out. Being promiscuous was something that seemed to drive Belinda from one moment to the next, and Danica knew that when Belinda discovered more about herself and gained more confidence, the need for meaningless sex would wane.

She didn’t mean to, but she knew she was giving Belinda the disapproving parental look that she herself despised. Strangely, she felt the look was meant more for herself than Belinda. How many times had her father given her that same look for doing something whimsical instead of academic, while praising Kaylie for her song and dance routines? She pictured him now with his thick, dark hair, one bushy eyebrow lifted, as if to say, Don’t waste your time on that silliness. She pictured her proper mother, demure with her blunt-cut hair and ever-present smile. She didn’t have to say a word to Danica about her behavior. The way she’d nodded in support of her father was enough to send a strong message: Danica was the smart one. Her father’s voice still rang out in her mind, There are certain expectations we have of you that we simply cannot expect of Kaylie.

Time to wrap this session up.

“Okay, so, next week we’ll work on learning the downfalls of rationalizing your actions away.” And, hopefully, I’ll be able to think past the sexy man who gave me a bloody nose.

Belinda bit her lower lip and stood eye to eye with Danica. “Do you think there’s hope for me? Or am I always going to be like this?” Her eyes pleaded for help or some sort of kudos, something to validate that she wasn’t looking at a mountain that she could never climb.

Danica knew the power of positive thinking. She patted Belinda on the back and said, “You can do anything you’re really determined to do, Belinda. We just need to work on some of these things. I have faith in you.”  Validation on a paper plate. Why am I such a magnet for promiscuous people? She thought about it, then silently added, Even my sister!

Sisters In Love (Snow Sisters, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Where stories live. Discover now