Chapter Eighteen, Sisters in Love

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Chapter Eighteen

Michelle answered the door with teary eyes and a red nose Sunday morning. Danica’s therapist senses perked up. “What’s wrong?” She walked into the foyer.

“Grandma’s sick,” Michelle explained through tears.

“How sick? Is she here?” Danica looked around the small room, then glanced in the kitchen.

“She’s in her bedroom.” Michelle led Danica into the living room, where she sat on the sofa. Family photographs hung above a small fireplace. The carpet beneath their feet was golden and worn, the dingy color of mustard powder. A piano sat off to the side, with photographs of Michelle at all ages and ones of her mother as a younger woman.

“Michelle, is she okay? Should I take her to the hospital?” Danica waited for an explanation as Michelle sniffled and wiped her eyes.

She shook her head. “No, she doesn’t have a fever or anything. She’s just tired and has a sore throat.”

Danica breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. You scared me. But why the tears? Is there something else going on?” She watched Michelle’s face for signs of trouble, and beneath the tears, her cheeks trembled. “Michelle, what is it? You can tell me.”

“It’s just…” She swiped at her eyes. “It’s stupid, I know, but…I can’t help thinking…what if Grandma dies? Who will take care of me?”

Danica had worried about that herself. The truth was, Michelle had no other family members to turn to. She’d likely go into the foster system until she was eighteen…unless her mother could pull her shit together.

“You can’t think like that. Your grandmother is not old, by any means, and a cold is hardly something to worry about.”

Michelle grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. “I knew you wouldn’t understand.” She stood and walked into the dining room.

Danica followed. “Michelle, honey, I do understand your worry, but that’s not going to happen.”

Michelle turned on her with spiteful eyes. “You don’t know that! You can’t know that. No one can!”

“That’s true, but let’s talk about this. Your mom is still in the picture. She might—”

“Right, my mother? Do you even know who you’re talking about? She’s been in rehab twice. She never sticks around. When she does get clean, it’s only long enough to find another nasty, drunk man she can shack up with, and I’m left wondering how long until the next time.” Michelle collapsed into a chair. “My life sucks.”

“Michelle, your mom is not in rehab anymore. It was your choice not to live with her this time. She worked two jobs before to make ends meet. It’s not that she wasn’t there for you; she was providing for you. Raising a child alone is hard.”

“See, you’re on her side,” Michelle accused.

“No, I’m not. It’s just that I’m sure she’s doing the best she can, and maybe you should give her a chance. When was the last time you saw her?” She realized Michelle hadn’t mentioned seeing her in months.

“I’m not going to see her. I’m the teenager! I’m the one who’s supposed to do stupid things, not her!” Michelle stood and crossed her arms, sobbing and huffing in anger.

Danica threw up her hands. “Damn her!” She watched Michelle’s eyes grow wide. “How dare she ignore your needs! What the hell is she thinking? Who does she think she is?” She crossed her arms as Michelle dropped hers.

“What are you doing?” Michelle asked in a give-me-a-break voice.

“I’m pissed. She put you in this situation. The hell with disease or addictions that she can’t control. Grow up, Mom!”

Sisters In Love (Snow Sisters, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Where stories live. Discover now