Chapter Two

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"May I help you?" 

"Uh... Yeah, what happened to the school?" He asked, looking around him.

"It hasn't been up and running for years... Are you a parent or something?" I asked with wide eyes.

"I sure as hell hope not. Who are you?" The man scoffed.

I rolled my eyes, getting ready to shut the door in his face. "I'm Riley... Riley McCoy." I paused, clearing my my throat awkwardly. "Me and my brother look after the house now..."

As if on cue, Hank appeared behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Can we help you?"

"I already asked him that, Hank. The man won't leave." I explained.

"You're Beast?" The man asked in amusement. "Look at you. I guess you're a late bloomer."

I cleared my throat, giving the man a fake smile. "Sorry, I think you have the wrong place. Different school, bye." I rushed out, slamming the door only for him to push it open again. 

"So where's the professor?" The man asked while still holding the door open. 

I glanced to Hank, getting a nod before heading inside to make sure Charles was nowhere near. I was halfway up the stairs when I heard a loud bang followed by a roar. I looked behind me and saw the man getting closer. I glared at him before smirking and phasing into the floor. I hurried to where he stood above me and jumped through, knocking him to the ground. "Stay down." I mocked, pinning his arms against his head. He looked at me for a moment and the next thing I knew I was thrown to the ground while he continued his pursuit. A blur of blue rushed by and the man went flying across the stairwell. 

Hank jumped onto the chandelier and readied himself to attack again, composing himself when Charles appeared at the top of the steps. "Hank, Riley? What's going on here?" He asked. 

I stood and fixed my shirt, folding my hands in front of me. "Charles, we were just-" 

"Professor?" The man asked while he also came to a stand.  

"Please, don't call me that." Charles scolded. 

"You know this guy?" I asked, dropping my arms down to my sides and walking a little closer towards him. 

"Yeah, he looks slightly familiar." He paused, glancing up at Hank. "Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank!" Hank obeyed, jumping off and landing next to me on his feet. 

"You can walk?" The man seemed confused, almost as if he knew what happened on that beach..

"You're a perceptive one." Charles scoffed. 

"I thought Erik-" 

I looked up and over towards the stranger, suddenly interested in what he had to say. "You know Erik? Is he-"

"Which makes it slightly perplexing that you missed our sign on the way in." Charles interrupted. "This is private property, my friend. I'm going to have to ask them to ask you to leave." He explained, getting ready to head back upstairs. 

"Well. I'm afraid I can't do that. Because I was sent here for you." 

"Well, tell whoever it was that sent you I'm busy." Charles waved off. 

"Well that's gonna be a little tricky. Because who sent me... Was you." The man said, catching everyone off guard. 

"What?" Charles asked with a raised brow. 

"About 50 years from now." 

"As in the future, 50 years from now?" Charles pushed. 


"He sent you from the future?" I asked with a tilted head. 


Charles scoffed and began to chuckle. "Piss off." 

The man sighed. "If you had your powers, you'd know I was telling the truth." 

"How did you know I didn't have my p-...Who are you?" Charles asked, no genuinely concerned.

"I told you." 

"Are you C.I.A?" 


"You've been watching me?" 

"I know you, Charles. We've been friends for years. I know your powers came when you were 9. I know you thought you were going crazy when it started... all the voices in your head. And it wasn't until you were 12... that you realized all the voices were in everyone else's head. Do you want me to go on?" The man explained. 

Charles looked at him confused. "I never told anyone that..."

The stranger nodded. "Not yet, but you will."

"All right, you've piqued my interest. What do you want?" Charles asked, running a hand over his face. 

"We have to stop Raven. I need your help. We need your help." The man explained, looking between all three of us. 

Charles gave an emotionless chuckle. "I think I'd like to wake up now." He said quietly before walking away with me following. 

Path to Nowhere ˚ E. Lehnsherr [2]Where stories live. Discover now