Chapter Seven

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A/N: Can someone please explain to me why I'm listening to all three HSM soundtracks right now...? Also, I've been having this weird numbness on the right half of my body, so I looked it up and WebMD told me I had a stroke. WebMD is full of shit. This chapter is so bad...

I groaned while stretching my arms over my head as we walked out of the plane. "I don't think my legs have ever been so numb."

"What about that time I locked you in the crawl space?" Hank asked from my side, a smirk on his lips. 

I rolled my eyes and lowered my arms back to my sides, shaking my head with a smile on my face. "Okay, maybe that was worse. But still, I feel like I'm fifty percent noodle right now." I explained. I looked to the ground as we continued to walk, my eyes focusing on my feet while they took each step. Despite that, I still managed to trip on a rise in the pavement sending me to the hard ground. I was inches away from making a nasty and painful impact, when an arm latched around my waist and pulled me into them. I sighed and looked up, meeting the blue eyes of Erik. 

"Still clumsy, eh?" He joked, pulling the hem of my shirt back down subtly. "Come on, we don't have much time." He pointed out, brushing his hand passed my shoulder as he walked ahead. 

I looked ahead of me, the eyes of Hank, Logan and Charles all focusing on me as I blushed. "You heard the man. Let's go." 

--Time Skip--

"So, I know right now probably isn't the time to ask-"

"And you're probably right." I said, interrupting Hank in his attempt to converse with me. 

"I'm just curious. You're my little sister, I feel like you've been closed up ever since that day in Cuba.." He explained in a low whisper. 

I stopped walking and pulled him to do the same. "Fine, what could possibly be so important?"

"Earlier with Erik-"

"Oh my god." I groaned, using my hands to push my hair backwards. "What about it?" I asked in a harsh whisper. 

"When you two were alone once Raven left... You two didn't.... You know...?" Hank asked awkwardly while making hand movements.

I narrowed my eyes at him and began walking again. "We're about to walk into a building full of people who want to kill us, and you're asking me if Erik and I have had sex?!" I rolled my eyes. "No, we haven't. Can we move on now?" 

"I'm sorry, I just-.. It seems like you have." He sputtered out, catching up to me.

"Well, we didn't. Your little sister is still a virgin, you can party later." I hissed. I sighed, turning my attention back to the group, inwardly hoping they hadn't heard any of that. "This the place?" 

Logan looked up at the building, nodding. "Yup. You ready?" 

"Nope." I said, walking passed him and into the building. I ran up the stairs, hearing the boys hot on my trail. My eyes darted around the hallway, landing on the room that held the future's fate. I jogged into it, my heart stopping when I saw Raven pointing a gun at who I assumed to be Trask. "Raven, no!" I shouted, catching her off guard. 

"Riley?" She said quietly, suddenly getting shot with a taser. I was about to run over to help, but Erik used his powers to take the taser off of her and onto the man who fired. 

I sighed with relief and walked over to Raven, kneeling down next to Charles. "Hey, Raven." 

"W-What are you guys doing here?" She asked, her eyes moving between me and Charles. "How did you find her?" She directed towards him. 

Charles chuckled and smoothed her hair back. "She found her way back. She's a persistent one." He paused and smiled. " We've come for you, Riley, Erik and I. Together." 

"I never thought I...I'd see you again." Raven breathed out with a small smile of her own. 

"I'm going to keep you safe, I'm going to keep you out of their hands." Charles explained. 

The sound of a gun cocking made me groan quietly as I turned. "Erik, what the hell are you doing." 

"Securing our future. Forgive me, Mystique. As long as you're out there, we'll never be safe." Erik explained with a sinister tone. 

I opened my mouth to say something, but the sight of Logan looking panicked caught my attention. I turned to Charles, giving him a look to let him know I was going to help him. "Logan? Logan, what's wrong?" I whispered, putting my hands on the sides of his face. My eyes darted between his, pulling myself away from him and getting ready to strike Erik. 

"Charles, stop him!" Raven begged.

"He can't." Erik pointed out. 

"But I can." I announced, clenching my fists at my sides. "Stop this, Erik. This won't achieve anything!" I looked up at him, gritting my teeth together. "Please don't make me hurt you..."

Erik looked at me, and for a moment I thought he had obeyed my wishes. Then he had to open his mouth. "You wouldn't, though. That's not who you are."

"That's not who you are either!" I argued, walking closer to him. "Please, just drop the gun and stop all of this. We can go back to the mansion and we can all be together." 

He shook his head, turning back towards Raven. "You're living a fantasy in you're own head." He scoffed at me. 

I narrowed my eyes, looking to Hank for a moment before kicking Erik in the head while Raven jumped out of the window. The gun sounded anyways, following her. I pinned Erik to the ground, my legs straddling his waist to keep him anchored. "I warned you, Erik." I said angrily. "We came to save her, not kill her!" I opened my mouth to say more, but was thrown into a wall before I could. I watched angrily as Erik followed Raven out the window, getting up to stop him but being stopped by Logan's confused voice. 

"Where am I?" He asked, looking around the room. "How the hell did I get here?!" 

"Pretty sure you came to us, dude." I said once I stood. 

"Who are you?" Logan asked frantically. 

"Charles-" He was cut off by Logan grabbing ahold of his collar. "Charles Xavier!" 

"Riley McCoy, hi." I added. 

"I don't know you..." Logan said quietly, dropping Charles back to the ground. His eyes instantly went to Hank as he stood in his blue furry form. "What the hell is that?!" He yelled, pushing himself closer to the wall. 

Hank looked over at Logan angrily, much to my dismay. I rolled my eyes and waved my hand towards the window. "Just go stop Erik, we can handle this!" He looked hesitant, but listened anyways. "So what the hell's your problem? Did you like. Get drunk or something on the way over here?" 

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