Chapter Three

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"So, what you're saying is, correct me if I'm wrong, they've figured out a way to weaponize Raven's powers? Yes?" I asked the man who revealed that his name was Logan. 

"She is unique..." Hank said quietly. 

Charles smiled sadly, looking over at Hank from behind a lamp. "Yes she is, Hank." 

"In the beginning the Sentinels were just targeting mutants, then they began to identify the genetics in non-mutants who'd eventually have mutant children or grandchildren. Then they started targeting everybody. Many of the humans tried to help us, it was a slaughter. Leaving only the worst of humanity in charge. I've been in a lot of wars, I've never seen anything like this. And it all starts with her." Logan explained.

"Let's just say for the sake of... the sake, that I choose to believe you... that I choose to help you. Raven won't listen to me. Her heart and soul belong to someone else now." Charles pointed out. 

"I know. That's why we're going to need Magneto, too." Logan said.

My head shot up and I looked at him with wide eyes. "Erik?" I was about to say something else but my brother rudely interrupted me.

"You do know where Erik is?" Hank asked annoyed. 

"Yeah." Logan said shortly. 

Charles began laughing humorlessly and walking out of the room. "He's where he belongs." 

I sighed and went to go follow him, stopping when Logan grabbed my arm gently. I turned and looked up at him. "What?" He continued to look at me and I ran my tongue across my teeth before saying, "Look, just because I have a different view of Erik doesn't change their feelings. I'm sorry." I explained, pulling my arm away and following Hank and Charles out of the room. 

"So you're just going to walk out?" Logan asked Charles. 

"Ooh, top marks! Like I said, perceptive." Charles hissed. 

"The Professor I know would never turn his back on someone who'd lost their path. Especially someone he loved." Logan explained. I noticed this seemed to trigger him into remembering something just by the look on his face. 

"You know, I think I do remember you now. Yeah.... We came to you a long time ago seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then. Fuck off!" Charles spat, going to walk off before Logan angrily grabbed him. 

"Listen to me, you little shit. I've come a long way, and I've watched a lot of people die." He glanced to me quickly before looking back at Charles. "Good people. Friends. If you're gonna wallow in self-pity and do nothing, then you're gonna watch the same thing. You understand?" Logan spoke out harshly before dropping him. 

"We all have to die sometime." Charles pointed out before walking away to his room. 

I looked to the floor with a sigh. "Hank told you..." I paused to look up at the two males in front of me. "There's no professor here." 

"What the hell happened to him?" Logan asked, looking around as if he suddenly realized how this place went to hell. 

"He lost everything. Erik, Raven...His legs." Hank said sadly. "We built this school, the labs, this whole place. Then just after the first semester, the war in Vietnam got worse."

"A lot of teachers, older students. All drafted." I added. "That just pushed him over the edge." 

Hank nodded and put his arm around me. "I wanted to help, you know, do something. So, I designed a serum to treat his spine that's derived from the same formula that helps me control my Mutation." He sighed and looked over to Logan with sad eyes. "I take just enough to keep myself balance but... he takes too much. Riley and I tried to ease him back but he couldn't bear the pain...the voices... The treatment gives him his legs, but it's not enough. He's just lost too much." Hank finished, dropping his arm off of my shoulders. 

"I'll help you get her." Charles's voice spoke through the silence that fell over us like a blanket. "Not for any of your future shite, but for her." He explained, pointing a strict finger at Logan. 

"Fair enough." Logan replied, obviously happy that Charles at least agreed to help with Raven. 

"But let me tell you this." Charles continued while he made his way down the stairs. "You don't know Erik. That man is a monster. A murderer." 

"Charles, he hasn't murdered anyone, what happened to you was an accident!" I tried to argue, but Charles just ignored me and continued to speak. 

"You think you can convince Raven to change? To come home? That's splendid. But what makes you think you can change him?" Charles finished. Logan and Hank sent a glance my way as if they were thinking the same thing. I rose a brow in confusion, not quite sure what they were plotting. 

"Because you and Erik sent me back together. And he mentioned her." Logan said, nodding towards me. 

I looked between the three men, blowing out breath I didn't know I was holding. "I doubt this will work, but fine." I said just before walking past them all. 

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