Chapter Eleven

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A/N: I got bored so... Enjoy the above image. Even though it's not relevant. Yet. Also, I'm really bad at writing action as you probably already know... Please don't hate me for my shitty chapter...

Random Flashback

I groaned, throwing book after book over my shoulder repeating, "Read it, hated it, read it, ew, read I-" Erik's lips cut me off, his arms pulling me closer to him. "Erik, I hate to burst your bubble-"

 "Then don't." He whispered against my lips before moving his own down my neck. 

 "E-Eri-k." I stuttered before letting out a moan as he sucked on my sweet spot. "Erik, plea-ahh.." I moaned again, noticing that his hands were slowly traveling down to my rear before my eyes widened and I pushed him backwards softly. "What are you doing?" 

 "What?" He asked with a small smirk. "I'm just trying to entertain you, Riles." He said before connecting his lips to my neck once more. I clenched my teeth in fear of releasing another moan, not wanting to let him win. 

"Erik, do you really want to take on the responsibility of taking my virginity? You'll be shackled to me for the rest of your life." I joked, moving my hands to the back of his head and running them through his hair. "I don't want this to go too fast. Erik, I don't even know what this is." I breathed as he nipped at my neck. 

 Erik pulled away from my neck, looking into my eyes before he connected his lips with mine and picked me up, pinning me to the wall. He bit my lip gently before he pulled away once more. "Are you sure about that?" 

 I shook my head, moving my hands down his clothed chest. "Please? This is hard enough as it is." I whined. Erik chuckled, setting me back down onto the floor. "I'll let you know when I'm ready..." I mumbled into his chest as I wrapped my arms around him. "I promise."


"Why are they moving?" I asked when I saw the Sentinels activate. "Charles, why are they-" I cut myself, noticing a shadow approaching behind us. "Oh, shit..." I was about to warn Charles that Erik was approaching, but the Sentinels began shooting before I could. Crowds of people ran away screaming, being halted when the Sentinels rose above them. Panicking, I ran towards Hank after getting an approval from Charles and gripped his arm tightly, watching as the stadium came crashing down. 

"I'm probably not supposed to ask this kind of thing, but in the future, do I make it?" Hank asked Logan while we stood behind a chunk of debris. 

"No." Logan said with a shake of his head. "But we can change that, right?" He asked, his eyes softening. 

I let go of Hank when he began to transform into his blue form, growling as he did so. "What now?" I asked, looking to the two men. Before I knew it, the Sentinel that was standing guard turned towards us and began shooting. 

"Riley, go!" Hank yelled, making his way towards the machine. In seconds, he had deactivated it by destroying the fuel line. "Help him!" 

I looked past Hank and saw Logan attempting to stop Erik, only to get all sorts of debris thrown at him. I let out a breath before running over to assist him, using my powers to destroy the object heading in Logan's direction. 

Erik's eyes looked over to me, a look of betrayal on his face. "Don't do this." He warned sadly.

I destroyed another piece of debris heading towards Logan, my eyes narrowing as I scoffed. "What choice do I have? We broke you out to stop Raven, not kill her!" I shouted, not noticing the Sentinel that was getting ready to attack me. My heart raced when Erik raised his arm in my direction, quickly jerking it back and the sound of something crumbling came behind me. I turned, looking at the dismembered robot in front of me. I turned back towards Erik, but when I did he was gone along with Logan. "Great..." I mumbled when I heard the sound of bending metal coming from the White House. I watched as the safe room was ripped out, landing with a loud thud in the lawn and then got the doors ripped off. 

The guns flew out of everyone's hands, hovering in the air beside Erik. "You built these weapons to destroy us. Why? Because you are afraid of our gifts. Because we are different. Humanity has always feared that which is different. Well, I'm here to tell you, to tell the world, you're right to fear us. We are the future." Erik spoke angrily. "We are the ones who will inherit this earth, and anyone who stands in our way will suffer the same fate as these men you see before you. Today was meant to be a display of your power. Instead I give you a glimpse of the devastation my race can unleash upon yours. Let this be a warning to the world." He paused, casting a quick side glance in my direction. "And to my mutant brothers and sisters out there, I say this; no more hiding, no more suffering. You have lived in the shadows in shame and fear for too long. Come out, join me. Fight together in the brotherhood of our kind. A new tomorrow, that starts today."

A few moments of silence passed and the anticipation grew up until President Nixon stepped out of the safe room to stand in front of Erik. "Stand down!" He shouted to the men who tried to stop him. "You want to make a statement? Kill me? Fine! But spare everyone else!" He commanded Erik angrily. 

Erik smirked, narrowing his eyes momentarily. "Very heroic, Mr. President. But you have no intention of sparing any of us. The future of our species begins now." The guns turned, cocking once they were pointed at the President. The sound of a Sentinel growing closer stole Erik's attention, making him turn towards it to destroy it, giving the President the advantage as he shot Erik in the neck. I gasped as I watched Erik fall to the ground, my eyes widening. I turned towards the President, shocked when he turned into Raven. "You used to be a better shot." Erik breathed out while clutching his wound. 

"Trust me, I still am." She growled, kicking him in the head to knock him out before turning towards Trask, pointing her gun at him. She paused, shaking with anger. "Get out of my head, Charles!" 

I turned, seeing a normal Hank trying to get Charles out from under a large beam. I made my way over carefully, not wanting to disrupt his connection with her. I hugged Hank tightly, staying like that as we listened to the conversation. 

"Raven, please. Do not make us the enemy today..." Charles pleaded. 

"Look around, we already are!" She argued, still pointing her gun at Trask. 

"Not all of us. All you've done today is save the lives of these men. You can show them a better path." Charles explained. 

I smiled from my spot in Hank's arms, looking down to the Professor. "Shut her down, Charles."

"I've been trying to control you ever since the day we met and look what that's got us. Everything that happens now is in your hands. I have faith in you, Raven." Charles finished, taking his fingers off of his temples. 

After a few moments, Raven dropped the gun to the ground, turning and ripping the helmet off of Erik's head. "He's all yours, Charles." 

Charles immediately got to work, making him awaken and move the beam off of him. Hank unwrapped his arms from my waist, quickly helping Charles to a stand. 

"If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that." Erik informed the three of us. 

"I know." Charles acknowledged annoyed. 

"Goodbye, old friend." Erik said before his eyes moved to me. "Riley?" 

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, looking up to him. I shook my head slowly. "Goodbye, Erik." I said before he flew away. Raven turned to us, giving a brief smile before limping out of the stadium. "You sure we should let them go...?" I sniffled.

Charles nodded. "Yes, I have hope for them. There's going to be a time, Hank, when we are all together."

"What about Logan?" Hank asked. 

"Lord knows where he went off to." I said quietly. 


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