Part 4

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                               Bad Dreams

While on the train I forgot to tell headquarters that he's going back home. While Karma was trying to sleep I tried to leave to call HQ. Unfortunaly Karma notice me leaving "Where you going?" He asked. I just responded by needing to use the bathroom. I could tell he was suspicions but shrugged it off and continued to doze off. The bathroom was occupied and the line was too long for me to wait out. "Geez lackadaisical much?" I whispered to myself. I wouldn't mind waiting but it was urgent so I just traveled to the front of the train. There weren't a lot of people in the trains so eventually found a cart with no one in it. I could barely see Karma so I figured that this would the best place to call. I got out my HQ phone and dialed 2 for the headquarters special assistant.

"Hello? Nagisa?" a voice asked

"Yeah it's me. Hello I was forgot to inform you that won't be able to do any missions currently."

"Why so?"

"I'm returning to my home city and I was hoping lay low and possibly,  check if he has returned."

"Oh! I see I'll tell him you're there he's currently occupied. Well you can't stay there too long. Remember you have two more missions we need you to complete."

"Alright. I'm not making any promises though. I have to go" If I stay here too long I'll be suspicion.

I say my good bye and began walking back to Karma. He was quietly sleeping and I could see he put his bag on my chair. So instead of sitting in front of him I just sat next to him. My head was on his shoulder and before I fell asleep Karmas had laid on mine. I couldn't help but smile, Karmas so cute sometimes without even trying.


"Wha!" I woke up with a little drool/
 on my cheek and when I looked at Karma I left his shoulder a little moist. I looked around seeing if I was the only one who heard anything but everyone was the few people who were there were sleeping except a teenager with her headphones in, so she wouldn't help me. I started walking towards where I heard a voice. When I was quietly walking I heard a light thud. I began walking slightly faster. I was next to the cart where I just have been in. I moved to curtain slightly until I saw a person on the floor. I ran to them and saw that they were bleeding. I could tell he didn't have long.

"What Happened?!" I asked

"I don't know, he just shot me" cough "I think he went up the train" the man asked

"Don't worry I'll get him"

"Damn it!" he knew he was gonna die "Catch that baster for me will ya?" he barely said

I left to go catch whoever kill this man, it's my job anyways.

I began climbing up the ladder and spotted a figure moving. I yell stop and surprisingly they did, I moved fast trying to get on the same cart as them. "Who are you? Why did you kill that man?" I could see their hand moving towards their jacket and threw a knife at me. I dogged it of course but then they started laughing. I slowly walked up to them with a gun in hand. While this was happening the sun started to rise so I could see him better. "Wow you really don't recognize me? That's pathetic" He turned around right when we entered a dark whole. Once we were into the light I could see who it was. It was him! The man I've been looking for! The man who ruined others life and ended too many! It was the man who was once my student! He moved his black hair out of his face and gave me a chilling smile and suddenly I realized he was looking behind me. I look back and felt something going into my stomach, only to see Karma with a knife in his hand stabbing me. With that he gave me the evilest smile in the world and I couldn't move and only ask "Why? How? When?" my mind was puzzled of what was occurring. Karma responded "Nagisa why would I ever want to see you again. I would only be willingly see you only if you were dead in a coffin." I couldn't move, just look into Karmas eyes while my vision was fading and I began shaking. "nagisa" huh? "nagisa?" "NAGISA!" I jolted up realizing I was no longer on the top of the train nut inside with Karma shaking me. 

"HUH?! What!?!" I said groggily 

"You seemed like you were in a nightmare" Karma said with a worry expression

"What? I was dreaming?"

"Yeah, now wake up were almost there" ... "Nagisa what was that nightmare about?"

"Oh! Sorry. It was nothing It was just really intense"He believed me, Or I think, but he didn't question me and began grabbing his bags and started leading me to the entrance and he rented a car. We drove all the way back but we didn't really speak at all in the car


Fixed a few errors, if you find more please point it out to me :)

Hope you enjoy this and have a great day!


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Nagisa X Karma Future RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now