Chapter Ten

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We keep running deep into the forest, fearing the huntsmen are toying with us and at any given moment they'll come after us like dogs hunting fox. What compelled Maleficent to free us is a complete mystery but something tells me she had ulterior motives to do so. Was she planning to use us as bait to ambush Gothel and harness the ultimate power for herself?

After what seems a lifetime of running, I stop, holding on to the nearest tree and take some time to catch my breath. Jacob stops as well, leaning against a nearby tree breathless as much as me. We are at a safe distance now – lost, hungry, tired and beaten down by Maleficent's mind games.

Since being freed, we haven't said a word to each other. We ran, keeping mostly to ourselves. The weight of what remained unsaid between us weighed on me. Deep down in my heart, I knew the day to face the truth would come.

"Stop!" I say, obeying my own command. "I haven't eaten or slept in over a day and who knows how long we have been running. Can we please stop for a few minutes?"

Jacob stops running and sits down on the ground, his back leaning against the trunk of a tree, closing his eyes. I'm shocked. What does he think he's doing? With his usual mysterious sixth sense, he speaks answering the question I asked in my mind.

"I listened to you and stopped. Now, are you going to stand there and become a popsicle or are you going to sit?"

The night air chill has crept into me, leaving a trail of goose bumps on my exposed arms. I don't want to admit I'm cold but I don't want to spend the following half hour frozen either. I swallow my pride and sit in the empty spot near Jacob, boldly daring to rest my head on his shoulders. I wait to see whether he pulls away but he wraps his arm around me instead and I shift closer.

A shiver jolts me awake to find no one's next to me. Where has Jacob wandered off to? I'm a little disappointed to be sitting here alone. If I don't honour Rumpelstiltskin's deal, he will keep me as his slave. I don't want to break Jacob's heart even if every fibre of my body is now pushing me away from Rumple and his stupid deal. How could I be naïve? No one guarantees me he'll hold up his end of the bargain not to mention I was stupid enough not to read the parchment I signed.

"Come take a look at this place," Jacob says appearing from the woods and taking my hand, pulling me to my feet. I let him pull me through the forest, still dazed from the little nap. All I can see are willow trees and their low dangling braches.

Using his right hand, he pushes away the curtain of leaves hanging from the willow trees next to us and holds them in place while we pass through. The scene in front of me is the most beautiful I've seen in the Enchanted Kingdom.

A vast lake is surrounded by trees. A dock and a pier are the only access to the water. The sky is dark, stars twinkling high above but at the edges, towards the forest, the sky has begun to lighten. Soon it will be morning.

A boat is parked by the pier. I have seen it before in a travel book. Its shape similar to the canoe but having space where to sit comfortably - its proper name is a gondola. Jacob steps inside, turns to me and helps me step off the pier and in. The boat rocks gently and I hesitate to take the first step, fearing it might capsize and we'd both be thrown into the water. Jacob, seeing my unwillingness to step off, let go of my hand and grabs me by the waist, lifting me from the pier and lowering me into the boat which rocks softly.

Jacob removes the rope keeping the boat docked to the pier, takes the oar and starts rowing. The boat moves smoothly on the calm water. I put my hand out, letting it skim on the cold water's surface. Once we arrive at the centre of the lake, he stops rowing.

"I think a talk is long overdue," Jacob says, throwing the oar into the boat and sitting down across from me. "The only way out from this discussion is jumping in the water and swimming back but I doubt you're desperate enough to jump in."

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