Part 1 - Chapter 4

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I don't remember what I dreamt about, sliding immediately into a deep slumber after dinner last night. My head doesn't hurt anymore and I regained enough strength to carry on. Roger made it clear yesterday they couldn't keep me for long because of the huntsmen and I don't want to overstay my welcome.

"I wish we could do more," Brier Rose says as she hands me a loaf of bread covered in a white piece of cloth. Roger had mentioned last night they would prepare supplies to sustain me during my journey until I found a suitable place where to settle down.

"You have done everything you can and I thank you for that," I answer, reassuring her. From the way Rose speaks to me, I understand Roger has explained to her who I am.

"Now it's time for me to settle down somewhere safe and concentrate on finding my brother. We have parted unexpectedly and I've been worried about him."

"If you're ever around these woods, don't hesitate to stop by if you deem it safe," Roger says, shaking my hand. I'm grateful to have good friends like Rose and Roger with whom I can be honest and open and who can understand what I'm going through.

I place the bread inside the satchel, next to the manuscript, and head out. Roger and Rose stand in the doorway, door ajar, as I walk towards the forest. When I reach the first few trees, the ground trembles underneath my feet and the sound of clopping hooves reaches my ears. Did the huntsmen manage to find me here or are they a patrol which saw me leave the cottage? I want to run off deeper in the forest in case they indeed saw me but the fear for the wellbeing of my friends keeps me rooted. I hide behind a tree and watch everything that's going on.

The two huntsmen dismount their horses while their wolves sniff around the cottage. Roger walks out on the front step alone to greet his unexpected guests who remove their helmets, holding them in the crook of their arms. I stand at a safe distance from them but I can hear their conversation effortlessly.

"We're looking for these two men," one of the huntsmen says, holding out a scroll of parchment for Roger to see. "They were both sighted in the whereabouts, probably travelling separately. Have you seen either of them?"

"I'm sorry, officer, I've never seen these men before," Roger tells the huntsmen with sobriety and calmness, gripping tightly to the half-truth half-lie he told them. Indeed, he has never seen William in person.

"A hefty bounty is being offered for information leading to the capture of these men," the other huntsman says. "On the other hand, anyone found aiding and abetting these men, will be executed for treason without prejudice. Are you sure you haven't seen either of these men?"

"As I said before, officer, I've never seen these men," Roger answers, trying to keep his cool.

"Keep this," the first huntsman says, handing out the parchment to Roger. "If you see either of them, you know what to do. A patrol will be guarding the perimeter from tonight for your safety. Good day, sir."

The huntsmen put on their helmets and their wolves turn to look at Roger with a growl of suspicion. The two mount their horses and gallop into the forest on the other side of the clearing. It won't be safe for me to return if huntsmen will be on patrol. I sincerely hope that they never find out I was here.

After witnessing this event, I carry on inside the forest, walking in the direction Roger pointed for me to find the dwarves. If I don't reach them by nightfall, my plan is to look for a sheltered cottage which might give me refuge for tonight. I must keep the manuscript safely away from Gothel until I know the consequences of giving it to her.

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