Part 1 - Epilogue

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As Jacob learns about the terrible deed Gothel has made, Rumpelstiltskin after this refusal, visits Gothel at her castle – determined to have it his way. Gothel is to say the least surprised to find the imp waiting for her when the servants tell her she has a visitor. The two aren't the best of friends but their evilness is a strongpoint for both.

"I have a sweet deal for you which can land you that special book you want," Rumpelstiltskin says as Gothel enters the chamber. "It comes with the Grimm Brothers on a silver plate and being reunited with your daughter."

Gothel sits down on her throne, starring in bewilderment at the imp. Rumpelstiltskin smiles to himself as he knows his offer is temping and impossible to refuse. His master will be pleased if he manages to strike this arrangement.

"What is it you want in return? Gold? Power? I'm sure you're not doing this as an act of generosity. You always tend to gain something from these types of bargains."

"For this particular case, the prize is irrelevant. I have a plan to execute and I shall be needing your help and resources further on. Once we have the Brothers, the book is as good as yours. Getting your daughter back is a completely different matter. As you know time spins a little differently on the other side."

Gothel doesn't give her answer immediately, staring intensely at Rumpelstiltskin, her head spinning around his proposal. The imp knows her well and knows her thirst for power. He played a card when he has the upper hand.

"You got yourself a deal," she says, her lips curling into a smile.

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