Part 1 - Chapter 6

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Arthur leads me past a copse where the trees are sparser. A black stallion is tied to one of the trees, nibbling at the grass blades next to his hooves. Another horse, a brown one, similar to the ones the huntsmen use, roams around as well, running in circles. It must belong to one of the two huntsmen we left knocked out. The black stallion greets his friend with a friendly nigh as I try to approach the other horse slowly.

"Easy boy," I say, grabbing the bridle and gently stroking his forehead to calm him down. After a few snorts, the horse calms down and lets me mount him.

"Impressive, Jacob," Arthur says, trotting next to me on his horse and we trot slowly next to each other. "Where you ever a stable boy?"

"Oh, no, I learnt how to calm a horse after an accident I had with a carriage," I answer. I never talked about this to anyone before, not even to my dearest brother. I don't like to discuss the accident and William knows I'm sensitive and tries to avoid bringing up the topic.

"Did a loved one die as a result of the accident?"

"Yes, she was trampled by the two horses training our carriage. Cecilià was my fiancée. We were on our way to be married when the coachman lost control of the carriage. I was thrown off to the other side but she got caught underneath it. How did you know?"

"The look on your face told me everything there was to know because I have it too when I think of my queen, Guinevere, and of my son, Eric, whom I left behind when I started this journey."

When he mentions Guinevere, I make the connection. Arthur of Camelot, the mythical king, leader of the Knights of the Round Table. The way he speaks suggests he did not come here because something or someone dragged him here, like in my case. What would compel a man of his status to leave his family behind to come here?

"How long have you been here? You seem to know your way quite well around the place. I created it and I had to make a map to help me navigate through."

"I stopped keeping track of time long ago, Jacob. I came here from Camelot to seek help. Our land is being threatened by Oz, a powerful sorcerer, and, as a ruler, I couldn't stand everything being taken away from us. I left Lancelot, one of my knights, in charge until my son becomes of age."

"How old was he when you left?"

"Eric was just a baby when I left. I don't know how old he is today. My heart's desire is to see him again one more time after the turmoil is over. I don't know how to reach him but I have faith everything will settle back into its place when Oz is out of the picture. Where were you headed?"

"A friend suggested for me to visit the seven dwarves. I need to leave something for safekeeping with them. Have you had the honour of meeting Gothel during your travels?"

"I haven't met her in person but I've heard a lot about her and I'm sure she heard about me from her men. They consider themselves above the law and the innocent people suffer from their pilfering. When I can help I intervene without second thoughts. I know where the dwarves are located. They're not far from here. I can accompany you there but I can't stay. I hope you understand."

"I do."

We continue our journey in silence. Arthur knows our heading and I let him stay a few clops ahead of me. Carrying on through the woods, I try to find markers which will help me find my way back but nothing stands out – common trees, trunks and puddles. On our way to the dwarves, we pass by the outskirt of a village to give the horses water but we don't go anywhere near the houses.

"When travelling inside the forest, make sure you snuff out properly any fires you make," Arthur suggests. "It will make tracking you a little harder. The trick for surviving out in the open is to be as undetectable as possible. Don't attract unnecessary attention to yourself."

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