chapter 9

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We arrived and I went directly to get changed... I kept on having flash backs of kids bullying me cause I had the disease they thought it was contagious thinking... I was a freak like if I was the only one...I hate it I hate it every min.

I finished and got my things.. And left the locker room...


Me:hi boss

Boss:was the patrol night good


Boss:u sure

me:yeah night boss


I walked out and checked out...

Whitney:hey u alright



Me:yeah no worries...

Donna:what's wrong...


I left and I saw Lou Sam wardy and spike and Jules talking

Sam:wanna go out for a drink...

Me:no thx I don't drink and I need to get home...

Wardy:u ok

Me:yeah night...


I got in my car and drove to my house instead where I grew up .

I made some dinner and then took shower and went to sleep






The next day . ..

I woke up drank some juice and my pills ... I left for work...

I arrived signed in.. And changed into my training gear and went to the boxing bag I was the first in...

And the last one out everyday now out...

They're weren't that much phone calls... I kept on getting flash backs about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and India and everywhere.. It's just so wrong in seria more than alot of soldiers died... I lost my 2 bff in the war than in any other place ...

?:u alright

Me:yeah wardy

Wardy:what's wrong ...


Wardy:u can yell me anything u know that ...

Me:I know

Wardy:reply me

Me:before I came here I lost my 2 bff.. In the army in Iraq.. it hurts me to this day still ... I lost 2 most wonderful people in my life... I never ever could get that off my head.. It hurts like nothing else seing ur 2 people that meant the most to yhu the only family u had... It hurts it haunts yhu like never before.

I walked out why cause it's been 9 yrs 9 fucking years since there gone...

Me:God it fucking hurts

Sam:sis what's wrong

Me:nine years bro nine fucking yrs since they're gone nine years when I lost my 2 bff .... To this day it hasn't let me rest I should of killed that son of a bitch.......

Sam:I know it's hard but u have to be strong u have been strong since u we're little and u need to be strong to now too

Me:it's hard...

Sam:I know but u can do it

Me:ur right...

Sam:come on

We left back to the work out and with wardy and he hugged me I felt something and I know it's wrong but I think I love him ...

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