debian red;

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"What do you think?"
He gestured with his hand to the
workplace he had set up. Canvases
decorated the floors and a variety of
different colored brushes twinkled upon
the table. Fairy lights were hang upon
the corners of the ceiling and sweet smells
of vanilla tickled my nose as I saw a little
cluster of candles.

A rainbow of paint cans were lined
in the color of the conventional spectrum
and two fluffy chairs were ready to be
melted into.

"This looks absolutely amazing." I touched
the soft fabric of the chairs with my fingertips,
sliding the hairs up and down.

"Let's g-get started then." He placed the baby
monitor at the edge of the table and ignored
the quick glance I gave to him.
"Um, p-pick out th-e-e colo-o-r-rs you w-want to use
and I'll p-pick out the colors that I-I want to

"Alright." I reached over to sweep the
radiant spectrum of red provided and
saw how he grabbed blue but then hesitated.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know if I should choose b-b-lue."

"Do you like the color?"

"I l-love blue."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I c-can't..."

"Can't what?"

A baby's cry jolted both of us
as it was unexpected.

"I-I better go see what's w-wrong."
Charlie dashed up the stairs leading to
the main house and left me sitting there
wondering why the boy can't just
decide what color to use.

My eyes caught the sight of the baby
monitor and I scooted closer to it. My
hand wrapped around the plastic device
as I noticed how he held the little boy
close to his chest and rocked him so
ever gracefully.

My thumb traced his face in the
screen and all I could wonder was why
he can't tell me the truth.  

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