pastel red;

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The ladder felt brittle
underneath my palms as I
slowly climbed for almost the thousandth
time up the same path to see
a glimpse of heaven.

"Charlie, you okay?" I whispered,
even though I knew no one
would be awake.

"Th-This do-doesn't feel like
it would be able to support

"Cmon, you're fine." I extended
my arm and our hands entwined
as I helped him up the ladder.

We reached the top and saw the
world spinning ever so slowly as
the stars sung a lullaby from up

"Wow," his voice was quiet and he
watched as that one tiny word escaped
with the icy frost of the air.

"Isn't it beautiful? I always come up
here when I lose inspiration or need
to clear up my thoughts. It always works."

"Always?" He wrapped his jacket
tighter onto his body and blew into his

"Mhm, just listen to the stars."  

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