desire red;

259 34 3

Approximately 625 to 740 nanometers,
between 480 and 400 Terahertz.
The units of outlining the feeling you
get when someone breathes on your neck.
Equal parts of magenta and yellow,
leaning against the end of the visible spectrum of light.
Defiance sealed with the warmth of
wanting to hold every piece of you in
my palms.

The first color humans perceive after
black and white,
hunger echoes within the chambers
of each thought of him and you, you and him.
Is it hunger, or are you simply craving touch
after being neglected while you were being

The stimulation you receive when someone
twists the thread of time around their index finger,
manipulates your breathing, and how you
crumble into a myriad of pigments.

Perhaps you are overreacting, an overflowing
amount of information that cannot be processed
fast enough for you to react properly?
When the human body fails to treat itself
with a multivitamin pill, packaged with powdered
vibrations, with a comforting touch of what it means
to have printed fingerprints, the body fails
to recognize the smallest energy, the
smallest stimuli.


Charlie's finger drew the shape of Rose's
cheeks, stopping at her lips.

What was she feeling?

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