folly red;

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"Are you sure? I mean,
if they're sleeping..I can meet
them another time. I-I-" Rose
stuttered out of nervousness.

"Nah, t-they need to wake up from
their nap or el-else they'll wake
up in the middle of the night." Charlie
nodded his head toward the stairs.

The two walked up the stairs,
lightly thudding their feet on the
carpeted stairs. Charlie slowly
opened up the door to their nursery
to not frighten them and beamed
to see them each smiling joyfully
in their cribs.

"Good aft-aft-ernoon, angel," He tickled
Theo's tummy and a giggle burst out
of his chubby cheeks. "And y-you, my
beauty." He picked up Adelina and lifted
her into the air like an airplane. Charlie
turned to Rose who was standing in
the doorway admiring him. "What?"

"You're so good with them."

"Well, yeah, they have half of m-my
genetics. I kind of h-have to be." He

"Oh my God, Charlie." Rose slid
a hand down her face playfully.

"Here, hold her." Charlie walked over with
Adelina, extending her to Rose.

"W-W-What? I don't know how to
hold kids, especially babies. What
if she throws up on me? Does she
bite?" Rose's voice rambled.

"Sh, here."

Adelina snuggled in Rose's arms
and made a big yawn.

"Oh." Rose smiled with
her heart warming up, filling
up the holes she felt from
not belonging in her family.

Right then, in that moment,
she felt like she was in
a world where only innocence
from angels like these existed.  

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