blush red;

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"Charlie, can I tell you something?"
I whispered as the streaks of stars
quieted Charlie's nerves.

"Yes?" He had laid down and
just stared up into the black hole.

"Sometimes, I wonder where my
biological parents are. Did they want
to give me up? Was it because they
weren't financially capable to raise me
or just because they didn't want me?
I just wish I would know how they look
like. Who do I look like more? I mean,
I know my adopted parents love me and
they show it every single day. I appreciate
them so much that when I think of them,
there's no way that I can stop smiling. I just..
I just want to know how life would be like
if I wasn't with them. Would I still be

"If there was a way to find out, would you
say yes? Would you take that risk in finding
out the truth?" He whispered.

"What do you mean?" I sat up abruptly.

"I'm just asking, would you?"

"Oh," I laid back down, "I don't know.
I'm scared. I'm just scared, Charlie."



"I think that you're an amazing person;
I'm sure that your biological parents, if
they saw the person you are today, would
regret so much to ever have given you up."

"Aw, thanks, Charlie."

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"Are you blushing?" His pearly
smile fought with the stars to grab
the attention from the planets.

"Shut up, Charlie."  

shades of redTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang