A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

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4.38 AM. I lock my iPhone and slam it facedown on my bed. Why can I never sleep at normal times? I was always up all night and while I'd love to sleep in all day I had a job to go to.

I get up and pad over to my open window, lean out and take a deep breath of the humid Floridian air in. I loved it here but I couldn't help but think I'd made a mistake moving.

I am originally from a drab little town from the UK which was smack bang in the middle. No coast even remotely close. It was dull and full of people I would never like to encounter again. I did miss my family though, I am one of 7 and they all have children and my eldest niece is about to go into her second year at university in Cambridge. That is a pretty big deal uni back home. I got a decent degree at a decent university but nothing like what she is achieving.

Stop with the self pity bullshit. You've got a great apartment in a state you've always loved doing your dream job. I chastised myself on a regular basis.

I had moved to Florida straight after I finished my law degree as I had been offered a job here when I did my year abroad and an internship during the spring break. Now I've been here for 6 years and I'm 28 living on my own like I always planned to.

Yet I felt like something was missing. I  hadn't been really happy in years, I've been single since I moved here when I left my long term boyfriend back in the UK because he didn't want to follow me out here. I was lonely but I didn't feel like I needed someone, I was fine with being on my own. But something was always off about my life. 

My siblings and I didn't speak too much since my dad died last year. Our mum had died many years before that, when I was 6, we were so very close even in those short years I remember my life so clearly with her. My siblings being at least 10 years older than me there was always a bit of a gap between us. I left home as soon as I could, I was never close to my dad, he drank and I knew his days were numbered when I left for university. When I went home to visit it was to visit my mums family and my dad didn't like that too much. Everything was very strained for a while and now he was gone, I didn't really have a reason to speak to my siblings, other than my nieces and nephews, because they didn't have anything to do with my mum's family.

I had always flet out of step with everyone else. I had always dressed differently to my friends, I was drawn to the 50s and 60s looks and spent hours in front of the mirror perfecting the looks I wanted. Although, now instead of the odd occasion where I would 'era-myself-up', as my friends put it, I do it all the time. It's my look, it's who I am. I loved it. Although meeting some clients for the first time to discuss their child custody battle or divorce, I do get some strange looks.

I have the most eclectic music taste as well, I loved the new music that I danced to at the clubs with my friends here and back home but I also loved the old stuff, The Beatles, Dusty, The Supremes, Sonny and Cher but most of all Elvis. I was known for my love of Elvis, I even have a TCB tattoo on the inside of my left arm. I related to him, his relationship with his mother and his strained, yet loving relationship with his father. He strived for perfection as I did in my own line of work. He always felt different and out of step, even when he was famous and surrounded by people every day. I even related to his addiction. I've not been perfect, I had a rough patch were I was taking too many uppers too often during my year before university and during my first year before I met my boyfriend. So, I liked to think if Elvis and I knew each other now we would have a lot in common. My friends mostly think I'm weird but I don't really care. Everyone has to have a hobby right?

I swore I had a past life in those decades which is why I'm so drawn to them.

I decide to pick up my phone again and plug in my headphones. I press shuffle on my Elvis playlist that has over 600 songs on it, it has demos, rehearsals and takes on it. I loved them all.

I curl up on my chair next to my window and look out at the stars. I let Elvis' voice wash over me and pray for sleep soon.

I home in on one star and focus on its brightness and how it looked much brighter than the other stars. High school science pops into my head then. That stars were balls of burning gas billions of light years way, and when I was looking at them I was really looking at the past because of how long it took for the light to travel to Earth where I could see this star slowly burn itself out. It was beautiful and sad all at the same time.

When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you...

The words to the iconic Disney song then popped into my head and I begin to laugh. Maybe it was because I'd grown up a cynic, being British, but I'd never wished on a star, shooting or otherwise.

Fuck it.

I concentrate hard on my chosen bright dying star and speak.

"I wish I was in 1965 and meet Elvis Presley." I declare with as much conviction as I could.

I hold my breath for a few seconds and nothing...

"Utter bollocks. Thanks Disney." I sigh masking my own disappointment from myself by moving to my bed, clutching my phone and letting Elvis croon me to sleep.

Just pretend, I'm holding you, and whispering things, soft and low...

NEW STORY GUYS! I'm still doing Little Sister but sometimes I get writers block and I thought it would be fun to start another story. I know the time travel story has been done before but who cares? This is what I felt like writing so, yeah. Hope you enjoyed :D

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