I Promise

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"You can't be serious?" I heard him bellow from the lounge where Elvis and Priscilla were. I even flinched at his booming voice.

I continue to busy myself with the task of making lunch at hand. Mary was the other side of the kitchen preparing some other food that was meant to go with the sandwiches I was making.

Today is unusual to say the least. It is 2pm and lunch is being served, it's like it could be a normal day. The rest of the MM are waiting in the dining room.

What a help they are!

With that thought I finish making the last of the sandwiches and march into the dining room. They were all sitting or standing around smoking and laughing with one another.

I clear my throat loudly to get their attention. Nothing. I try again. Still nothing.

I bang my hand down on the table trying to keep my cool. That gets their attention and all heads fly in my direction.

I smile sweetly at them.

"Since you're all southern gentlemen why don't you help Mary and I bring the food out to the table and show that southern hospitality us Brits have heard so much about?" I pose it as a request but the looks on the guys faces could tell it was not.

Soon they were all scurrying into the kitchen and bringing out the ridiculous amount of food out and placing it carefully on the table as Mary and I stood back and watched.

"Well Dawn I'd never a thought I'd see this day." Mary chuckles watching the guys get to work.

"Ah just gotta have a firm hand with them, they're all still boys really." I smile down at her as she is so much shorter than me.

"Thanks for the help." She smiles at me once more and heads back into the kitchen.

The guys finally finish bringing the food out and I nod at Jerry then flick my eyes outside. He nods back and we head outside in silence.

"How's you been?" He asks when we get outside then hands me a cigarette.

"Alright, still adjusting but y'know, you're all a bit mad." I light the cigarette and take a drag.

"That we are. You've sure lightened up this mess though." He chuckles.

"I have?"

"Sure. The Boss is taking the whole Cilla/baby thing way better than he would have a month and a half ago. I reckon that's your doing."

"Nah he just talks to me about stuff, he only told me she was pregnant yesterday and he's known for ages."

"Whatever you say." He smirks my way.

"Hey this is already messy enough, I don't want a part in that!" I defend myself.

"Sure ya don't. But you already are a part of it Dawn."

I sigh defeated. "I guess I am. I think he'd go spare if I left now."

Jerry just nods in response and continues to inhale his cigarette.

I roll the cigarette in between my finger and thumb.

"Why do you always smoke outside? You even make E do it."

"Oh well it's just what I've always done really, don't like smoking inside, gives me a cough."

"You're weird."

"I know." I smile.

Truth is back in 2016 no one smoked inside everyone had to smoke outside and it's just something I was used to now. I couldn't imagine smoking in someone's house or anywhere public. I'd feel rude, like I was harming all those non-smokers.

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