Always Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

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"So, tell me about yourself?" He asks facing me lighting a thin cigar.

Oh god. I would kill for a cigarette right now.

I eye his cigar and reply "What do you want to know?" My tone is with more confidence now we're alone. I feel less uneasy now I'm away from everyone. I've always preferred to be with few people though.

"Well let's start with how you came to the US?" He asks

"I was at university in England studying law and the university I was at offered a year abroad and I went to a university in Florida to study for a year. While I was there I did an internship with a law firm in Miami and they offered me a job for once I'd completed my degree. I went back to England, completed my degree then came back to the US, took my bar and I've been here for 6 years now." I tell him the truth thinking it wouldn't really matter as it is a plausible story but when I look at him his eyes are wide.

"What?" I ask.

"You're an established career woman then? That's so impressive. You must be mighty smart."

"I was. I'm smart enough." I shrug. It was no big deal to me now. My degree was probably useless in this time period. I didn't really know what I was going to do now, maybe I could relearn the law here and take my bar in this state.

"You're playin' that down. You must be smart to be a lawyer. Why did you leave?" His eyes held mine now, searching.

"I was unhappy and lonely. I no longer enjoyed life. I don't have a family and I have few friends." I confess but there was no hint of sadness or self pity in my voice. There was only the truth.

"What happened to your family?" At that I look away. "If you're okay with talking about it."

"It is what it is. It's fine. When I was six my mum died, we were close. Really close. I adored her, she adored me. When she died my dad started drinking a lot and was never really there. I learnt to look after myself since my siblings all had moved out at this point because they were at least 10 years older than me. They all have kids now but they are over in the UK. I left home as soon as I could and never looked back. My dad died a few years ago and I haven't really had a reason to go home or speak to my siblings since. So, I'm all alone really. I prefer it that way." I relay the story to him.

"Oh Dawn, I'm sorry. That's awful." He looked down and tutted to himself. "I lost my mama a few years ago and it near about killed my pa and me. Me and her were awful close, I was a mama's boy through and through. Still am." He looks at me shyly and gives me his half smile.

"Guys who love their mum always know how to treat a girl right." I told him reassuringly. But I have to suppress laughing at my own words to the known womaniser.

"Huh, maybe... I dunno." He says leaning back.

"My turn to ask as questions now," I tell him looking at him once again "why did you take me in? I could be anyone?"

He looks taken aback by my question.

"I... I don't know. I just, I felt like I needed to help you. I can't really explain it. You will let me help you won't you?" He implores taking my hand.

I look down at his hand, look up at him and down again.

"I don't know Elvis... This seems so odd. I'm not the kind of person you should have around." I confess still looking at our touching hands.

This is for the best. I can't stay with him. Not knowing what I know.

"Who says so? That's something I'd like to decide for myself." He tells me.

"No, I'm sorry. I have to go." I say looking up at him and getting up as fast as I can. Apparently it wasn't fast enough because before I can even take a step Elvis is up and holding my arm.

"No, you can't. You have no where to go and it's 1.30am. You're not going anywhere. You've told me your story and now I feel responsible." He tells me in the commanding tone he used before. This time my anger flares, something I've been repressing since I got here because I knew it was mainly aimed at myself for making that stupid fucking wish.

"Look, just because you know some of my fucking story doesn't mean you know me. I'm not staying here, trust me you'll thank me in the long run." I half shout at him before pulling my arm violently from his grasp and flee from the room, still enraged, to get my things.

This was stupid. This whole thing is stupid. It's only my own fault. Maybe my fucking fairy godmother will appear in a second to tell me it was almost time to leave.

I pray.

When I reach the upstairs part of the house I make sure to be quiet so as not to disturb Priscilla and anyone else who might be sleeping. I creep into my room and zip up my still packed suitcase, lean on it for a second concentrating on my breathing. I turn and Elvis has appeared in the doorway.

"Honey, I'm sorry,"

Honey, that's the first time he's called me that.

I knew he always called girls that and I am somewhat flattered but at the same time insulted he is so familiar with me already. My ex and I were together for well over a year before I even let him try to call me a pet name.

"Dawn." I cut in.

He looks flustered and exasperated by my correction. "Dawn, I'm sorry I got mad but there is no way I'm going to let you leave this late. It's not right. Come downstairs and we'll have a Pepsi?" He offers.

I look outside at the undiluted darkened stretching out into nothingness. I knew it would stupid of me to leave this late especially when I had no idea where I was going, sure I did if we're in 2016 Memphis but not, '65 Memphis. No bloody chance.

Feeling slightly foolish I nod at him and he turns on his heel and heads downstairs. I wait a moment before following him. When I get to the kitchen he has two open bottles of Pepsi on the counter next to each other.

I walk over and lean against the counter, staring intently at his Pepsi which had his hand wrapped around it.

The one that had held mine. Get a fucking grip Dawn. Are you kidding me? His girlfriend is asleep upstairs. Jesus.

"I'd like to help you, you're interesting and I'd like to know you better. Even with your warning. I like to consider myself a bit of a risk taker." He tells me and when I look at him there is a smirk dancing across his face.

"Well, I wouldn't bet on me. But I don't want charity. Just... Just somewhere to stay I guess. I don't want to be in the way." I cave.

How could I not? He is literally everything I've ever wanted and now here he is in front of me. Jiminy Cricket fuck off.

His eyes light up like he knew he had won. "Great, don't worry. Just a place to stay." He nodded and smiled as I arched my eyebrow at him causing him to grin even more.

Who would actually leave? I wouldn't. I would cling to that man as if my life depended on it ahah.
Had a bit of a moment tonight. Anyone else get really sad when they realise they'll never see him perform live or meet him? That's how I've felt tonight... Sad times :'(
Thanks as always xx

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