You're A Walking Hypocrisy

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I shove the last piece of tuna sandwich in my mouth.

What I wouldn't do for some salt and vinegar crisps right now.

Elvis and I chat about nothing for what seems like forever. He tells me what he thinks about his movies so far and asks me if they do any good in 2016. I try not to laugh but I have to tell him they're well received by his loyal fans.

"Damn. They're crazier than I thought!" He rolls his eyes. "I've just finished filming this one called Harum Scarum and it's the only half decent one I've done in years! It's my third movie and it's only August. God dammit." I could see he was getting angry so I reach over the table and touch his arm.

"Some of them were good. I know you want to make it as an actor but my god you don't even know how much of an impact you make on music. You are, well, The King!" I explain trying to be as sincere as I possibly can.

He shook his head. "I'm not the King Dawn. He is." He tells me his eyes flicking upward.

I suppress my cynical groan. I am a through and through non believer of God. Don't get me wrong I'd like to think there was something after but we'll never know until then. Then again, who knows now I've been sent back in bloody time! Anything is damn possible!

"Yeah I know. But you know what I mean." I sigh trying to ignore the comment.

"So, do people still like my music where you're from?" He asks tentatively.

"Yeah of course. Aren't I proof of that?" I reassure him smiling his way.

"Even my new stuff does it hold up with the stuff from then?" He asks a look of wonder on his face.

"Sure. Yeah, I mean some of it makes it." I mumble wanting to chance topics. "Shall we go for a walk?" I ask standing and removing our plates from in front of us.

"Yeah okay." He says following me out the house onto the back land. I would say garden but that's too modest.

We walk in silence for a while in the hot Memphis summer sunshine. I breathed in the summer smells I love so much and think of home, in Florida. What I would be doing on a hot day like this.

Probably working. Don't kid yourself because you're a bit home sick and scared.

I tut at my own thoughts quietly while Elvis and I walk side by side. While I can feel the suns heat beating on me, making me far too hot, he is walking close enough next to me for me to feel his warm.

"Do I still make music? Do I still perform I mean? Even when I'm old?" His questions come out of nowhere and I force myself to carry on walking and act natural to him.

"I shouldn't be answering those kinds of questions. I could tell you everything about your life if I wanted to. But I shouldn't. It's dangerous Elvis." I explain in a calm manner.

"You talk like you've done this before." He eyes me suspiciously.

"Of course I haven't! I've just seen enough films to know what I should and shouldn't be doing. Hell, I shouldn't be doing this right now. Before I was never part of your life! I wasn't even born when you were-" I try to joke but I get carried away and stop myself before I make a mistake.

"When I was what?" Elvis demands.

"Nothing Elvis. It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does," he stops now. "I wanna know. When I was what?" His face flashes anger at me again but I can also see he's scared. He doesn't really want to know. The man is only 30 he wants to live his life.

"C'mon Elvis. I don't want to get caught up in this. Let's just carry on walking." I try to distract him but he's not having it. He just eyes me and waits for a real answer. I just can't think of a good lie.

Exasperated I pull myself to the ground and dramatically flop backwards looking up at the sky. Elvis is still stood but he looks surprised by my actions for a second. After a few moments he joins me on the floor.

"You're so different Dawn and I get it you're from a whole other time. But here you fit in, yet you stand out. You can be so warm but you're also closed off and cold. You're a walkin' hypocrisy. I don't understand you but want to." He sits up on his elbow and hovers over me so he's looking into my eyes. "I know, I sound crazy, but so did you. I really like you Dawn, I dunno if it's cause you're such a mystery or what but I've not felt this way in a long time. I just feel drawn towards you." He stuns me into silence.

When I don't say anything for a moment he brushes some hair from my face gently and tucks it behind my ear. I can see where this is going and my breath gets stuck in my lungs. I can't say anything as his face gets closer to mine.

This is the impossible thing that I'm sure any and every Elvis fan has thought about happening. Lord knows how it's happening to me right now.

Just one kiss can't hurt, right?

I close my eyes and wait for his lips to touch mine.

"Elvis! E! You out here? Priscilla is here!" Someone shouted from the porch making Elvis and I spring apart and stand.

I make my way toward the mansion when Elvis grabs my arm.

"Dawn, we need to talk about this. I meant what I said." He tells me keeping me still.

"And I meant what I said Elvis. You have a little girl up there and you need to patch it up with her."

He looks like he might get angry so I interject before he can speak.

"Let's just go shall we? I don't want to fight with you." I slip my hand into his palm and pull him towards the house.

"This isn't over." He mumbles behind me but follows.

We walk through the kitchen and Red is in there who tells us she's in the lounge. I immediately drop Elvis' hand and let him lead while Red and I follow.

When we walk into the lounge Priscilla is sat straight backed and demurely. She is on the sofa Elvis and I were on last night. I cringe inwardly.

How disgusting am I!?

She is so beautiful. Her hair was impossibly long for someone who cut it all off in 63. Her make up was perfect, not a line or smudge out of place. I could see why Elvis found her attractive. What I couldn't see what how he was attracted to her personality? I mean I wasn't fond of her in 2016 but I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt now. So far she is proving me right.

She stands as soon as she sees Elvis then she looks behind him and eyes me. I stifle my laugh because I can read her jealousy. I keep forgetting she is only 20 at this point and not the 71 year old I'm used to.

"What do you want Priscilla?" Elvis asks coldly.

"Can we talk? Alone..." she eyes Red and I.

"Don't worry, I want a ciggy anyway." I turn on my heal, "c'mon Red." And I walk into the kitchen to the porch.
I look at Cilla. She looks younger than ever. Dawn being here has given me a whole new perspective on things.

"Alone now. What do you want? I told you to stay away for a while." I strain to sound calm as I'm well aware of Red and Dawn just through the kitchen smoking.

"I had to come back." She tells me siting back in her place. I stay stood over her waiting for her to continue.

"Elvis, I, ugh. I'm pregnant." She breathes out so fast I almost don't hear it.

What? Wait?

Hey everyone,
So my picture is how I feel like this election should be going considering I just watched the last presidential debate. And oh my god. My degree is so interesting yet terrifying rn.
Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for the hanger there haha
Much love xox

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