Slight complication

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My mouth dries and my brows knot together. My focus is still on his face which is sporting a grim expression.

I pull the half smoked cigarette from my dry mouth.

"She's what?" I rasp.

"Pregnant." He tells me again looking down and picking up his cigar.

"Holy shit." I whisper, sitting back in my seat.

Everything's already started to change. What have I done?

"Why are you so surprised? Surely you knew this was coming?" He raises his eyebrows.

"I, uh, I guess so... Maybe not this soon though." I confess before shoving my cigarette back into my mouth and taking a long drag.

"Really? When was it supposed to happen?"

"68... I think." I mumble.

He leans back in his seat and hums. We are on the back porch again sitting at the table and chairs he has out here.

"What are you going to do? Shouldn't you be married?" I inquire ignoring the prang of jealously that runs through me.

"I don't know. I thought Cilla and I were really over, I really did. I don't wanna be with her no more. I can't. She isn't even 21 yet."

"She is a child really." I comment.

"She is and she acts like one. Being with her is drainin' and I've been unhappy. Fuck. I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I'm sorry. This isn't something you wanna here."

"Back home listening to people's problems was my job, even if I did think they were absolute fucking idiots. Trust me I can handle this." I reassure him.

Priscilla had been back a couple weeks now; she kind of locked herself upstairs while Elvis flitted from his room, the piano and the tv room restlessly. We had talked a lot over the last couple weeks, there was a lot of alone time between us but he didn't want to talk about Priscilla and her return until now.

"That's good to know I'm not an 'absolute fucking idiot'." He chuckles using hand quotation marks. I laugh a little too.

"Good. Honestly though Elvis, I'll listen, this is a situation I've come across before but I mean it's handled very differently in my time."

"What do you mean?" He asks finishing his cigar.

I sigh as I look out at the vast land Graceland stands on, it's beautiful when it is only lit by moonlight.

"Well, it's not a problem. People have kids out of wedlock all the time and there are plenty of single mums and dads out there and plenty of divorced or separated mums and dads. Everything is just a bit easier I suppose." I explain and then put my own cigarette out.

"We've spent a lot of time together since you got here..." He starts and I turn my head to look at him.

Not this again. Oh come on please. There is only so many times I can reject the most attractive man on the planet.

"Yeah, I suppose we have." I indulge him.

"And well, I think, I think I'm fallin' for ya Dawn." He confesses.

I try not to slap my palm on my forehead but I'm also stunned. Every night we have sat like this and every night he has told me he likes me and wants to get to know me better but obviously tonight was so different for so many reasons.

"Elvis... Please. There is a slight complication here. We can't, you have a pregnant woman upstairs, who you're meant to marry by the way. I'm not even meant to be here."

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