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Chapter's song: 24K Magic by Bruno Mars

Chapter's song: 24K Magic by Bruno Mars

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What is it going to be this week?

I scrunch up my nose as I scroll down my email. It's always the same thing, I don't love my partner, or I love my best friend, or I love my partner's best friend. People need to get more interesting lives. I snort at that. Look who's talking, huh?

Smiling to myself, I reach over to the mug on my desk. I take a peek at its content because I don't want to do a repeat on last week's stale coffee. I did wash my mug, didn't I? Not being sure, I leave it be. In all honesty, I've been immersed trying to write an article about the Brexit possible repercussions that has taken most of my time for the last two days, hoping that, this time, my chief editor will actually look at it.

They do say that hope never dies. I'm taking that to heart.

My computer's notification dings and I turn to the screen to read the new email. Maybe that one is the lucky one to appear in tomorrow's issue. My hands freezes on its own as I read the subject: Admiring you from afar. 

Bloody hell, that sounds utterly stalkerish. Then again, my life has been nothing but boring over the last few...years, so I open it.

Dear Ms. Two cents' worth,

I've been reading your advice column for a while and I have to say that you've won me over. I'm not such an eloquent writer as yourself, so I'll let the words of Shakespeare reflect what I feel for you.

 I'm not such an eloquent writer as yourself, so I'll let the words of Shakespeare reflect what I feel for you

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Your enthusiastic devotee.

My heart thumps as I read the email twice. I lick my lips and read it again. This is the most bizarre and most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. Is this real? I'm not a technological geek, but I do go through the details trying to see where this comes from. This is definitely a fake email address ( My fingers tingle as they rest across my keyboard, eager to answer back.

Dear Mr. Enthusiastic devotee,

I'm not impressed. Shakespeare? Really? You'll need to do better than that.

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