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It creeps into good men, and bad men alike

It seeks to destroy...

Internal, unwavering, and cold.

Your senses grow mould...

There is no honour, no love, duty...

-you can't run from yourself.

The mirror is taunting.

You become a display.

Almost like they would pay...

For where there's ignorance, there's vanity.

Humanity's stench of

Suicide! Madness! Insanity!

Evil and twisted minds of the unattractive kind.

You have nowhere to hide.

They turn on friends, on lovers;

Snarling in fear.

Breeding spitefulness, hate,

Young ones have

The littlest chance...

For naïvety feeds on them as they watch

Corruption take over their dreams,

Corruption steal into their minds,

And Corruption stop their hearts

With Corruption's poison darts.

Chasing the Midnight Cloud (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now