A Million Shards

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Whilst she stares with empty gaze

At crumbling ceiling glaze

Dead orbs are dancing in delight

For she found one tonight.

A shard, a single solitary tear

of her previous living affair.

Do you see, reflected in that glass,

the men, the lights, the flashy cars.

Life was never so rich, yet worthless;

greed gave birth to cruellest vermin...

Watch how she clings to it laughing

see the joy, the want for dancing.

One more piece to her reflection

and one for the map of her recollection

But also for the path to her soul

For the key is splintered and must be made whole!

You must watch, and contemplate

how she claws back the glass with smiling hate,

and how builds her wrecks again;

raising her demons to question them.

Lay your eyes on this consumer of pain

watch each minute drive her insane.

I pity the day she fixes the mirror...

for what a monster she'll see, that is none but her.

Chasing the Midnight Cloud (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now