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This is the worst kind of pain.

The kind where no tears fall.

No screams are made,

all is still

and the silence presses upon your ears.

Shrieking like the demons of hell.

Nothing stirs inside your chest

You are empty; an abandoned house.

A heavy weight settles in you,

the heartache eats you up

and your dreams vanish in a puff of smoke,

like someone stamped on your heart...

You're a rock, pure stone

nothing can make you move.

Limbs are granite and faces are marble,

space and time swim before your eyes

and a smile is the most difficult thing to raise..

You've been looted and the cavity has been left open;

a hole in your chest for all to see.

You don't know what to do or say,

except sit...and wait

for someone to fix you.

The pain doesn't attack you.

It gradually spreads and poisons

leaving you paralysed and dazed.

You're reaching but there's nothing to grab.

You're free falling...

You stumble and wait for the catch,

but it doesn't come.

You've been waiting all this time,

but nothing has ever arrived.

And the worst thing is,

you must sit and wait another 1000 years

because you must wait for him to return your heart...

And in the meantime, your emotions are spent.

You feel nothing...because you are nothing.

Nothing is there.

Chasing the Midnight Cloud (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now