A New Place

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How did we get here again?

One moment, it was black, then light.

I saw sun...starlight.

...I love you. Didn't I say?

Wait...I'm lost. Where are we now?

I don't remember this garden

these fruits; ripe kisses grown...

So long, why did we take so long.

I love working out my mistakes with you.

I love talking about nothing with you.

I love... there are many things I love.

But I'm confused! I'm spinning,

a spinning top-I see only happy blurs

If you love me, why'd you let me go?

This place, its different than last time

The paths are new, I'm smiling

and I can't find the line...

The line that closes me off from you

I see only smiles, a blush, and plenty of wild laughter

I think this time, what you're after

is a love.

3 little words...and they cannot convey everything I have to say to you.

So sit with me, in my arms.

Because that's all I ever wanted.

Chasing the Midnight Cloud (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now