Knowing You

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Lying here, close to your heart and hearing the steady beat

I'm getting to know you, getting to know all about you...

The gentle curve of your shy smile,

Compared to the sadness of your frown.

Losing myself in your eyes; so blue like oceans found...

I know you more than I did yesterday, and less than I will tomorrow

all I want is to give you a smile and banish all your sorrows,

To return everything you do for me; fix me, hold me, take care of me.

Knowing you, knowing your heart and your love...

Did I somewhere see the Spirit's white dove?

Because your magic must be heaven sent...

I know you how like your eggs well done

How your hair turns golden in the sun,

and how you hold me tight, and promise to not let go...

And I know those words you tell me; the things you've said and written.

I keep those notes locked tight, inside the safe in my mind...

We watch clouds pass and stars appear, and I know you more with every shimmer.

Mornings come and nights creep up, and I know you with every glimmer.

I know you more with every touch

and every lavished kiss, as such.

Every comfort and warm hug

that chases away my ghosts...

Knowing you...

I never want to stop.

Chasing the Midnight Cloud (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now