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if you only damage me with simple words
like that, i'll only become stronger
-bts cypher pt.3 killer

the rain was pouring down on the streets of seoul. work hours were over and everyone went home already. lights were shutting off in seoul; the citizens were going to sleep, the workers were closing their shops, the city was resting. but seven boys were running in the dark.

sirens were heard and the city woke up again. they were being chased. they were running and running, passing the red lights and running through the alleys. the youngest one was fast. jeon jungkook was his name. he was in front, guiding his friends through the city.

he was young and energetic unlike some of the older ones. they were following closely but were exhausted. the police was right behind them and they couldn't afford stopping. jungkook made a quick turn into an alley. the group went down some stairs, into an old building.

the building was old and broken. nobody cared about it anymore. but for the seven boys, it was a place filled with memories, filled with laughs and tears.

the boys sat down on the floor or on their sofas. they've been chased for years now and they never got caught. the officials never find them in there.

they started talking about their day. laughs were heard, snores as well. the youngest mumbled an "i love you hyungs" before drifting to sleep himself.

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