Chapter 10: Jealousy

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Song: Hunger by Florence + The Machine

Hermione's eyes fluttered open the next morning. I never get enough sleep, she thought. After a couple of minutes of twisting and turning she got up to start her day. She lazily made her way to the kitchen and started to make her coffee. 

She got a mug out of the cabinet and accidentally dropped it, "Repairo!" She muttered.

A moment later she heard a low mumble from Luna's room, she's not supposed to be back until Friday, Hermione thought as she cautiously walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. She turned on the light and gasped when she found Draco sprawled out on the bed.

"Oh Merlin! Malfoy! Up and out! Right now!" He didn't move at all.

She walked closer to the bed, "Wake up!" He still didn't move. "Okay, lets do this the hard way."

Hermione left the room, then came back with a cold glass of water. She poured it on Draco's head and said, "Rise and shine, sweetheart." As she poured the water.

Draco shot straight up, "Where am I?"

"Luna's room." Answered Hermione, crossing her arms.

Draco looked around the room and all of it's strange contents, "Did she drug me?"

"No, Malfoy, She's gone on business."

"Oh, yeah... I must've fallen asleep here last night while I was waiting on Teddy to fall asleep." Concluded Draco, "I like to gather my thoughts when I wake up. Especially when I'm woken up so abruptly." Draco glared at Hermione.

"I yelled for you to get up, but you just laid their like a lump on a log." 

"I happen to be a very heavy sleeper." Countered Draco.

"Well why don't you go continue your 'heavy sleeping' in your own bed." Said Hermione.

"Maybe I will" Draco looked down at his watch, which he must have fallen asleep wearing, "Oh damn it. I'm late to work."

He quickly got up and ran out the door, "Try not to miss me too much, Granger!" He yelled, slamming the door closed behind him before Hermione could reply.

Hermione couldn't help but smile at the situation she had just witnessed. Waking up Malfoy... that's a first, she thought.

* * * * *

Hermione marched into work with her coffee later that day. She greeted Harry then went to her desk. After a couple of minutes of doing some paper work her colleague, David Williams, came up to her. He worked in one of the other departments. He leaned against her desk. Hermione looked up at him. He was a handsome man who had dark brown hair and brilliant brown eyes. Not to mention he was also very tall.

"Good morning David," Said Hermione as she continued to do her work, "Can I help you with anything?"

"Actually you can," He said. Hermione looked up at him in surprise. "I was wondering if you would like to go to lunch together later?"

She didn't answer automatically. Is he referring to a date? She asked herself. It seemed like just yesterday, she was going out on dates with Ron. Now she has Draco.

What about Draco? Wait sense when have I started to care about what he thinks. He's a bloody idiot who made my life hell at Hogwarts... well he is pretty easy on the eyes and he's so different now. Okay stop thinking like this Hermione. Hermione told herself.

"I would love that," Answered the brunette. 

"Okay, I'll see you later then." Said David as he walked away.

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